Constantly polling SQL query to day and time for a weekly report

  • Hi,

    Complete beginner to SQL but what I am after is a query for a SCADA system. The "WHERE" clause needs to get data from a day and time to now but roll over when the start day comes around. So if the chosen start day is Monday 9:00 am the query gets data from the last Monday until now, i.e data is never more than a week old, on a Tuesday the data brought back would be for around 24 hours "ish", on a Friday five days of data. On a Monday at 11 am 2 hours of data would be queried. Hope this makes sense. Thanks.

  • Look at thiis posting by Lynn Pettis, you will most likely find the T-SQL you require.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Ran these through SQL server management studio and it works as it should so I guess I can then do further DATEADD's etc to fine tune the date to precisely where I want it. Thanks massively for the help.

  • Your welcome ... if you come up with what you think is a good solution please post it in the forum so others may benefit

    Again - thank for you response .. glad to know I was of some slight assistance

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • After looking at a few examples I have eventually come up with this:

    set datefirst 5

    declare @thisdate datetime

    declare @fromdate datetime

    select @thisdate = getdate()

    if convert(varchar,getdate(),108)< '11:59:59' and datepart(dw,getdate())= '7'


    select @fromdate = dateadd(dd,0,datediff(dd,0,@thisdate)) - (datepart(dw,@thisdate)%7)-7

    select dateadd(hh,12,@fromdate) as Result




    select @fromdate = dateadd(dd,0,datediff(dd,0,@thisdate)) - (datepart(dw,@thisdate)%7)

    select dateadd(hh,12,@fromdate) as Result


    I have found this gives a date for the last Thursday at 12:00. The if else clause prevents a report being ran on a Thursday morning trying to start from 12:00 that day onwards (into the future) but instead looks back to the last Thursday.

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