Consolidate rows based on criteria

  • Hi,

    here is some sample data

    CREATE TABLE #TESTING (acc_no varchar(20), number INT, c_name varchar(20), R_Value decimal(10,2), time_spent decimal(10,2) )

    INSERT INTO #TESTING VALUES ('C1232' ,4445, 'Tom', 345.7, 43.56)

    INSERT INTO #TESTING VALUES ('C1232' ,3456, 'Tom', 3454.7, 553.556)

    INSERT INTO #TESTING VALUES ('C1232',6789, 'Thomas', 1345.7, 463.556)

    INSERT INTO #TESTING VALUES ('C125632',1234, 'Will', 423.64, 233.77)

    INSERT INTO #TESTING VALUES ('C125632',2345, 'William', 56.76, 77.89)

    INSERT INTO #TESTING VALUES ('C125632',1345, 'Will', 444.56, 234.54)

    INSERT INTO #TESTING VALUES ('C125632',12634, 'Will', 34.27, 112.56)

    select * from #TESTING

    basically what I would like is to sum the last two columns based on acc_no and return the most featured 'c_name' per acc_no.

    The result fro the above would be :

    CREATE TABLE #Result1 (acc_no varchar(20), number INT, c_name varchar(20), R_Value decimal(10,2), time_spent decimal(10,2) )

    INSERT INTO #Result1 VALUES ('C1232' ,4445, 'Tom', 5146.1, 1060.672)

    INSERT INTO #Result1 VALUES ('C125632' ,1234, 'Will', 959.23, 658.76)

    select * from #Result1

    Thanks a million

  • Probably a more efficient way, but this is the idea:

    ; WITH MyCTE (acc_no, c_name, cnt)


    ( SELECT acc_no

    , c_name

    , COUNT(c_name)

    FROM #testing a

    GROUP BY acc_no

    , c_name




    , c.c_name

    , number_sum = SUM( t.number)

    , r_value_sum = SUM( t.R_Value)


    INNER JOIN mycte c

    ON t.acc_no = c.acc_no

    WHERE c.cnt = (SELECT MAX(d.cnt)

    FROM MyCTE d

    WHERE d.acc_no = c.acc_no


    GROUP BY t.acc_no

    , c.c_name

    You need to count and get the max count of the names, by account and then join with the sum.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • with cte1 as (

    select acc_no,number,c_name,

    sum(R_Value) over(partition by acc_no) as R_Value,

    sum(time_spent) over(partition by acc_no) as time_spent,

    count(*) over(partition by acc_no,c_name) as cn

    from #TESTING),

    cte2 as (

    select acc_no,number,c_name,R_Value,time_spent,

    row_number() over(partition by acc_no order by cn desc,number desc) as rn

    from cte1)

    select acc_no,number,c_name,R_Value,time_spent

    from cte2

    where rn=1


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Thanks a million for the help everyone! Really appreciate it 🙂

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