
  • Hai

    I am using Sql server 7.0. It works for me for last 3 weeks.But suddenly is shows an error

    A Connection Could Not be Established Connection Broken


    I tried to open enterprise manager and start to connect to the database it flashes error. The s/w is installed in one system and it is shared by 4 to 5 users.

    I also tried in command prompt by executing sqlservr.It shows the error.log cannot be opened.cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

    How to resolve the issue

  • sql 7 is way old now - you might want to make sure the sql service is actually running in the services tab on the server. If it's not and you can't restart the service make sure a backup or something doesn't have a lock on any of the system databases files.

    depending on many things you might want to go for server restart. This was posted to the wrong forum btw.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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