Connections Building Up

  • I support alot of SQL 2000 installs mostly using Solomon and or custom software. I often notice that during the day that connections build up even after the users log out. I know its bad caused by bad programming already. I cannot change that in alot of this software, someone elses code. Now eventually they time out and go away. But it can be that 30 or more transactions from the morning stay active till the evening. Sometimes alot more.

    All these applications are using ADO based data access (most in 2.7). Is there anything I can do in SQL to kill these faster, automatically, without killing ligitimate users from the software?

  • I suppose you could set an "idle time" limit, and kill the spid when that limit is reached.  You could query sysprocesses to determine idle time and the spid.  It would also be possible to netsend the user before killing their spid, say give them 10 minutes, and if there has been no activity after that, then kill them.  This could all be done within a stored procedure which you could schedule to run on a regular basis, say every 10 minutes.


  • Thats a really good idea. I like the netsend thing. What would be the best way to get idle time? Its not in sp_who or sp_who2. Do I need to go to sysprocess to get it or is there a more elegant way?

  • I'd just get it from sysprocesses.  sp_who2 would work as well. Use LastBatch or keep track of CPUTime.


  • Thanks, I'm gonna try it.

  • Just keep in mind if you step on a SPID that is making changes then all the work it is doing is going to attempt to roll back. Also be aware of the system SPIDs and don't step on those by accident or you can lock your server up. Also, unless you on a per client license model and are seeing performance issues be aware an active connection uses between 30k and 50k of memory only which performance wise may be better to leave alone. If you can leave alone I would but I would deffinently discuss with the person in charge of the programmers and state there seems to be an issue in their apps that needs immediat attention on their part and try and force them to fix the issue as it will only get worse over time and they will always make the same mistakes. Remember it isn't your job to fix their mistakes but you should prohibit new apps access until they learn to do it right.

  • You said you won't go the direction of fixing the programs causing the problem?

    I also suggest you request your programming department to look into it for two very important reasons:

    1. The problem itself, could be related to not closing the ADO or other objects, which may take up memory until the system is restarted.

    2. And if this is the case, this will build up over time and bring your system to its knees, and even crash it. By the restarting of your system or IIS everynight you will mask this potentially danerous problem.



    Coach James

  • Try this. I would like to take credit for this but I can't. Its a handy little bit of script that I lifted from a forum some time ago. Hope it's what your looking for.

    CREATE procedure usp_KillOldConnections

    --@login varchar( 40) = NULL,

    @latency int = 1440,

    @debug tinyint = 1,

    @db varchar( 40) = Datawarehouse




    Name: usp_KillOldConnections


    Utility stored procedure to remove any connections that have

    been idle for a specified number of minutes. Only connections

    logged in using the specified login and in the specified database

    are removed. Only connections that are anonymous with no programname

    are reported.

    The debug parameter is used to either display the list of SPIDs

    that meet the criteria or to kill them.

    Usage:exec usp_KillOldConnections , , ,

    Author: (Steve Jones)

    Input Params:


    loginlogin name to remove connections for

    dbdatabase name in which connection is in use

    latency number of minutes of idleness for the connections

    debug debug parameter. If 0, connections are killed. If 1,

    the connections are displayed. defaults to 1

    Output Params:


    Return: error code. 0 = no error






    @errHolds error value





    set nocount on

    declare @err int,

    @spid int,

    @cmd varchar( 500)

    select @err = 0


    Check parameters and exit if not correct.


    --if @login is null

    -- select @err = -1

    if @db is null

    select @err = -1

    if @err = -1


    Raiserror( 'Parameter Error:Usage:exec usp_KillOldConnections , , , ', 12, 1)

    return @err


    create table #Test

    (spid int,

    status varchar( 20),

    login varchar( 40),

    hostname varchar( 40),

    blkby char( 5),

    dbname varchar( 40),

    command varchar( 500),

    cputime int,

    diskio int,

    lastbatch varchar( 20),

    programname varchar( 80),

    spid2 int


    insert #test

    exec sp_who2

    declare OldUsers cursor for

    select spid from #test

    where dbname = @db

    -- and login = @login

    and cast( substring( lastbatch, 1, 5) + '/01 ' +

    substring( lastbatch, 7, 8) as datetime) < dateadd( mi, 0-@latency, getdate())

    -- and programname = ' '

    open OldUsers

    fetch next from OldUsers into @spid

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @cmd = 'kill ' + cast( @spid as char( 10))

    if @debug = 1

    print @cmd


    exec( @cmd)

    fetch next from OldUsers into @spid


    deallocate OldUsers

    drop table #test

    return @err


  • HI,

    I totally agree with Antares and Coach James - it is the programmers department to sort this out. I have a very similar situation with Sybase EAServer application where connections are building up, taking with them server resources. Not a good idea as this will generally lead to restarting the sqlserver. This has happened on a daily basis.

    However, I have an "easier" task as there is only one person working on this application and I can track this person down quite easily. Gues what? I know that the SQLServer will perform as it should either when this person in question is on holiday or today!

    Nonetheless, it is a pain Edward.

  • I also have to concur that the programmers should address this issue, not the DBA.

    As a programmer, I know that it is important to create applications that manage resources efficiently. If I do not address this issue, then the program will cause the problems you are encountering.

    However, I must stress that you work with the programmers and not against them. Many programmers that I have encountered did not realize the connection issues involved with a SQL Server database. After demonstrating the problem, usually they were more than happy to make the changes necessary. If they were not then I had to use the "chain of command" to make the changes necessary.

    Of course, if you don't own the application(3rd party vendor or contractor) then I suggest working with them to resolve the bug. Again, if they are professionals, they will be happy to fix the problem if they see the proof that it is the application that is causing the problem.

    Good Luck,


    "I will not be taken alive!" - S. Hussein

  • I agree and I believe I was Little strong in my statement as was a bad day with another developer when I wrote. 99.9% are always happy to fix and learn from their mistake. But if there is an issue and they are not addressing kindly but assuredly don't allow more of the same mistake to add load to your box until they address (that is your job as a DBA).

  • Hehe... I have had my bad days with inexperienced programmers as well.

    I am in a career position where I am both DBA and programmer for my organization. Most of the resource problems that I have encountered were from contractors mistakes. As I said, once the evidence was presented to them, they were happy to make the changes and learn from their mistakes. Many times I even helped them find the coding solution to fix the problem. Call me sick, but I just like to get into the nuts and bolts of applications at all levels. 🙂

    - Al

    "I will not be taken alive!" - S. Hussein

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