Connection Time Out

  • I am working with a query involving around 7 tables. Each table has average records of around 16 millions.

    While designing query through Enterprise manager, when I try to run the query in Enterprise Manager, it throws an error "Connection Timed Out".

    It happens with Analysis Service too when I try to process a dimension.

    Same query when I copied and pasted to Query analyzer, it works. 

    I have set the Connection Time Out property for Server to "Infinite".

    Any idea ?



    Nilesh Leuva

  • Don't know about Analysis Services but you only have 30 seconds, and only ever 30 seconds in EM for your query to return data.

    If you have an affection for the graphical designer within EM you can try removing sorts or reducing the columns returned but you eventually will have to go to Query Anayser to build your full query. (Or some SQL ODBC/OLE DB app connection)

    Does anyone know if this has been changed - I would think not since I believe this time out is in place in order to conserve server resources.


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • In EM :

    Tools / Options / advanced :

    you can set : - Login timeout

                       - Query timeout

                       - packet size


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  • And you still will have only 30 seconds.


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

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