connection proglems

  • I am trying to use the web platform installer and nopCommerce on my home computer. I am a BizSpark partner. I am running Windows 7 64 bit, and all updates for 2008 Visual Studio, PHP 5.2 for ASP.NET and Mysql for ASP.NET, I also have SQL 2008 Enterprise and updates running. I have WAMPP with PHP and MySQL installed as well with a web server that users port 90. IIS7 uses port 80. I am getting the following error:

    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR'.

    I have checked my name pipes and TCP/IP is enabled. If you are in need of any further information to assist me in this please let me know.

    Thanks you


  • Are trying to login from application? or are you trying to login using SSMS locally or remotely?

  • I am tryiing to loging remotely from sites that will install the web platform which is can be used with Visual


    Thank you


  • deemurphy_us (3/13/2010)

    I am tryiing to loging remotely from sites that will install the web platform which is can be used with Visual


    Thank you


    You are using windows account to login correct? Both machines are in same domain correct?

  • Yes, some of these applications use MySql which I had installed already. But I installed PHP for .NET and tried to install MySQL for .NET but port 3306 is being used so I do not know what port to use.

    Thank you


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