Connection problem to SQL cluster

  • Hi,

    I am facing a problem in connecting to a remote SQL 2000 virtual server from a different domain. However I am able to connect to the same virtual server from a remote server in the same domain. 

    The error is "Sql server does not exist or access denied. Connectionopen(connect())."

    The sql log of the virtual server shows that it is listening on port 1433.

    But I noticed that there is no entry like -

    "SQL server listening on 1453.". Is this something to do with the problem?

    Any replies on this will be very much appreciated.




  • Just try pinging the SQL Server Virtual IP.

    Also check whether TCP is enabled for this server?

    Check the level of SP.

    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

  • The sql log shows that the server is listening on TCP, Shared Memory, Named Pipes.

    Also the point to note is that though I can't ping other servers on that domain also because of the firewall, still I can register the sql servers on enterprise manager.Only in this server I am facing the problem. I still think this has something to do with the missing entry "SQL server listening on : 1433".

    This entry is seen in the errorlog of all other servers.




  • Please check virtual IP address assigned to SQL Server is an public IP address. In SQL Server Error log this should state that the SQL Server is listening on the Virtual IP Address for SQL Server:1433"

    Also confirm whether you have applied the service pack 3a.


    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

  • Thanks Shiv Prasad for replying.

    Yes I checked that the following entry exists in the SQL log -

    "SQL server listening on 1443." ( is the public address)

    Also SP3a is installed.The version shows as - Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.818 (Intel X86).




  • You won't see an entry of :1433 on clusters. I think this is a loopback entry and wont' be there on clusters. some thoughts.

    1) Can you try opening  a telnet session on the port and see if the port is open or not

    2) From your notes above it seems that SQL server is listening on a different port everytime you fail over. Is this true or is a typo ? if yes, then you might be hitting a port binding issue

    3) Are you having problems connecting from application alone or both enterprise manager and application ?

    4) try to update your host file with the I.P. of the remote hostname and try to connect to the aliased name

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