April 19, 2006 at 5:29 am
Hi everyone.
I've got a problem with a site, it keeps falling over everytime i get a few users using it at the same time. I've looked into and identified that there is some kind of connection pooling issue.
I went in to SQL server and tested this by using the 'EXEC SP_WHO' command to show the open connections, here i found that every time a connection was opened it was left sleeping/waiting.
I have had a look on the net to identify what could be causing this issue and everywhere seems to think that its probably an error in the code where the DB connection isnt being closed properly.
Can anyone else shed some light into the possible cause of this, are there any server side/sql server settings i can use to control the time out of connections(at the moment i have to wait for what seems hours!)
Thanks for your help!
April 19, 2006 at 6:32 am
Have a Look at this thread.
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