connection issues - Again!

  • Greetings!

    My thanks to all those who helped me with this issue last time. I was hoping it was done but it has cropped up again. Doh!

    Here is the situation. We don't have a network SQL Server box, so the VB application I wrote connects to my computer. Well, tries anyway. It cannot connect. It errors out on the connection attempt. I use a DSN-less connection, using TCP/IP as default.

    <connectionObject>.Open "driver={SQL Server};server=<mycomputer>;database=" & DatabaseName & ";uid=<uid>;pwd=<pwd>"

    I can ping my computer from the other computer. I can see my computer from the other computer. (They don't have Enterprise Manager, so I can't test it that way.) We have the same version (2.7) of the MDAC but different builds. (I have 7713, the other computer has 9001.) The application connected last week but not this week.

    I just don't have any ideas and am hoping you guys do! Could it be the network? We use Novell, but that's about all I know about that. I don't know version or any setup. The other computer has Win2k and I have XP Prof. Any other pieces of information needed? It was done in VB6 with an install and again, worked last week and for the previous month before that.

    Any ideas on what to try would be appreciated!




    Apparently, somehow, the SQL Server on my box was not set for more than the local user. The network person saw that on the Domain and opened up my computer to all.

    Where is that? Where did I miss that? I don't even know when I changed it but now the person can connect to the db.




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