Connection is busy with results from another hstmt

  • I have an ASP app that opens 7 different recordsets on one connection. They're all various combinations of columns from tables in the same db. The app originally used 7 different SQL Select statements embedded in the code and used in the method. Some were exceedingly complex (8-10 lines of SQL code) so I thought to replace them with calls to stored procedures with parms. I'm still using rs objects, but using cmd objects in the rs.Open. I keep getting the above error on about the third or fourth recordset I open.

    All the cursors on the rs.Open's are set to OpenStatic, LockOptimistic. Any ideas why I'm getting this error?

    Example of the code. There are already 3 recordsets open when I get here. It fails on the rsRC.Open call:

    set cmdTimeSheet = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    cmdTimeSheet.ActiveConnection = dbconn

    set rsTimeSheet = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    cmdTimeSheet.CommandText = "Exec sp_timesheet_rsTimeSheet " & "'" & strreqdate & "' , '" & struser & "' ,'" & strSortBy & "'"

    rsTimeSheet.Open cmdTimeSheet, ,3, 3

    set cmdRC = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    cmdRC.ActiveConnection = dbconn

    set rsRC = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    cmdRC.CommandText = "Exec sp_timesheet_rowcount "& "'" & strreqdate & "' , '" & struser & "'"

    rsRC.Open cmdRC, , 3, 3


  • Try using more than one connection object. The same connection cannot start the next query with pending results in MS SQL Server - we run into this alot with various apps.


  • But then how do I know when the query is complete? I've gotten the code to work so that all the recordsets are established, but when I reference a field in a row in one of the recordsets I get the above error.

    Even if I switch to multiple connections aren't I going to have problems when I get to referencing the results if one of the querys is incomplete?


  • I've changed the app to use a separate Connection object for each Recordset. This seems to have corrected the problem.


  • hi!

    you shouldn't create a connection for each recordset as each connection consumes resources on your db server (don't forget to think of your webapp serving multiple requests of such a kind!

    concerning your problem: use client side cursors (from ado 2.7 on you'll have to adjust your connection properites (CursorLocation) to be "adUseClient" - 3).

    try to keep your code simple, like follows:

    dim conn

    dim rs1, rs2, rs3

    set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    conn.CurosorLocation = 3 ' adUseClient

    conn.Open ...

    set rs1 = conn.Execute("select * from ...")

    set rs2 = conn.Execute(...)

    set rs3 = conn.Execute(...)


    set rs1 = nothing ' Don't the hell forget this!!!

    set rs2 = nothing

    set rs3 = nothing

    set conn = nothing

    best regards,


  • Thanks cneuhold. That fixed it. In fact the app also seems to run faster.


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