Connection From OUTSIDE Problem

  • Re; Dymanic IPs. I'd just like to add that provides an excellent service to resolve dynamic IP addresses. The basic service is free. All you do is download a small chunk of code that talks to their service. You then establish an account and add 'servers' such as When the service runs you attach to rather than your dynamic IP address and NO-IP cfreates your connection. We use it for remote purposes so that we never have to worry about IP address!

    By the way - I have the same problem. I can attach to an SQL Server on my LAN, but not via the WAN. I tried initially going out of my router and coming back in again. That did not work. Then I dialled up using a backup low speed line. And that did not work. If you have got your WAN connection working - then please let me know how you did it!

    Kind regards


  • G'd Afternoon Paul!

    I'm sorry for the "lapsus" i just forgot to post the solution i had found thanks to this great site and Mark's kind help.

    I had implemented the No-Ip service in several places, it really works!!.

     The connection strings i actually use are:


    strcon = "Driver={SQL Server};" & _

               "Server=YourSevername;" & _

               ",1433;" & _

               "Database=YourDbName;" & _

               "User ID=YourLogin;" & _


    VB .Net

    strCon = "Data,1433;" & _

                "Initial Catalog=yourdbname;" & _

               "User ID=YourUser;" & _


    Pocket PC 2k2/2k3

    strCnn = "packet size=4096;" & _

            "Data,1433;" & _

            "Initial Catalog=yourdbname;" & _

            "User ID=YourUser;" & _



    I really hope this help you as it helped me.



    Manifest plainness,Embrace simplicity,Reduce selfishness,Have few desires.

  • Paul,

    Did you try disabling your LAN connection?


    - Mark

  • Hi Guys - sorry for the long delay - back from being away and back to the same old problem. 

    Thanks for all your help so far, but I still cant get it working. The last thing I have tried is to use the port number at the end of the Address string. Still no joy. I have also stopped using the NO-IP host name as the address, and started using the raw IP address. I have even tried switching of all firewalls!!!! But still, the same.

    Do I need to have a web server up and running on this PC?

    Thanks very much for any help... Hopefully looking forward to hearing something

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