Connection error "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

  • A user is having some connectivity issues with their application's scheduled job everyday at 7pm exactly.

    The application will trigger a job to do insert on a table at our DB server. The job will run for a few minutes then failed with the below error.

    Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0: Communication link failure SQL State: 08S01 Native Error: 10054  Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0: TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.   SQL State: 08S01 Native Error: 10054 State: 1 Severity: 16 SQL Server Message: TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.     Database driver error...

    He then tried to run the job manually at 730pm and it completes successfully. Initially i thought there could be another job scheduled at 7pm but I didn't find any when I check through SQL server's jobs. There's also no backup scheduled. Any idea where I could check?

  • 1st step - change the schedule to 7.30pm - then if it still fails we can rule out the time issue

    if it still fails we can look at other options


  • Someone has a server restart scheduled for 7:05 pm every night?

    There are relatively few things that would force a connection to close, but a restart or Availability Group fail over would do it. Also a process that wants exclusive use of the database and logs off all users.

    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

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