Connection Colors

  • crussell-931424 (6/24/2014)

    I have 5 different servers that I connect to each with their own color. But I use bright red for production, to remind me to stop and take my time.

    And I am using Green for Testing & Development servers.

    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Hany Helmy
    SQL Server Database Consultant

  • Thanks Nenad for question.

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  • sestell1 (6/24/2014)

    You can save your custom colors with specific connections if you use 'registered' servers in SSMS.

    I like to set all my production server connections to red, to cut down on the chance of running things on the wrong connection by mistake.


    I have a couple different color designations going on. It really helps when you have a large number of servers with the same database names. Especially good for Prod/Test/Dev situations.

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