connection between visual fox and sql server database

  • i must build a database in sql server 2005 and to access it or complete it using visual fox forms... i am a beginer... what is the connection i must make between them? theoretical...maybe some examples..please

  • I have done extensive development with multiple versions VFP and SQL Server. There are several ways to do it. Give me a little more info on your application and I can help you out.

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

  • a succeded to connect fox to sql server. now i can see with visual fox sql server database.

    i builded a test database into sql server.

    now i want to buil some forms in visual fox and , throu them to acces and modify and add information into sql server database...

    my problem was my windows that didn't install "IIS" and some network/connections drivers. i fixed that...

    i intalled framework

    i worked with dns server..

    and done..

    but my new problem is : how to build forms ( "buttons") in visual fox and , throu them to acces and modify and add information into sql server database...

    can u help me?

  • Sounds like you've got your connection problems down, but please post how exactly you setup your connection to your server. There are differences in the connection types and I want to make sure you have the right one for your application.

    I'm assuming that there's a language barrier here and you are not actually asking me to tell you how to build an application in visual foxpro. People have spent their careers learning how to do this and there is no way that this could be done in this thread.

    I would go out and buy a couple of VFP books and read them front to back. I'm sure you should be able to pick up a book something like 'VFP in 21 days' or something like that. VFP hasn't changed much from 5 to 9, so any book you pick up from those versions should be good to get you going.

    Live to Throw
    Throw to Live
    Will Summers

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