Connection an Instance

  • Hi,

    I've installed sql2005 as named instance(instance name:sql, and no other instances exists in the server). I have sql1, sql5 & sql_test db's on the instance.

    When i connect to the server from client as below it gets connected successfully

    ConnectionName Status Displayed servername @ Object explorer in SSMS


    servername connected servername

    servername\sql connected servername\sql

    servername\sql123 connected servername\sql123

    servername\sqlabcd connected servername\sqlabcd

    servername\sqltest connected servername\sqltest

    Actually i have only one instance on the server but by connecting above its get connected as an seperate instance. When i run @@servername on all the above connections it shows the server name correctly as servername\sql for all the connection.

    My question is here that why im able to connect if i give the instance name as above and it doesnt state that the server doesnt exists. It connects as seperate instance but actually pointing to the existing instance. I think this never happened in sql 2000. Can anyone explain me how this happens??

  • Do you have alais setup for the same server calling it in different names. Check that might be you have them created.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • I dont have alias created under different names.. if you connect as servername\sqlxxxx (replace xxxx with any character) its getting connected to the server

  • No luck from myside BOSS. i installed a new 2005 named instance and tried with servername\instancename that worked then servername\instancename123, servername\instancename1234, servername\instancenamewert and servername\instancenameabcd all failed saying server doesn't exist. Weird issue.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • i think i am thick, i am failing to understand your question

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • he says that for an named instance in his server that he is able to connect using servername\instancenameXXXX where XXXX can be any alphanumeric characters. I tired to replicate the issue but in vain.

    Any suggestions, ideas and solution will really makes us learn more as this looks really weird it should never happen this way.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Hi Sugesh,

    Thx for the reply, try creating a db named as the instance for eg. if your instance is sugesh then name the db as sugesh_test or sugesh1 etc and then try connecting the server as above.

  • 'Connect to the server from client' - meaning not logging on physically from the server, right? (either at console or remoting in)

    HOW are you connecting?  command line?  front end?  You may have a translation occurring that is doing the overhead for you after validating your user ID.  I vote for Aliasing behavior.  The question is, who / what is managing the alias, and are these temporary or permanent?

    have you tried two connections using the same alias simultaneously?

  • Again tried and getting what microsoft should fire server does not exist. The right message.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Im connecting using ISQLW and im sure there is no alias for the server

    I dono why this occurs in my machine. its getting connected as said above.

  • Using Query Analyzer i dint test this may be let me check i tried with SSMS and got expected results.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

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