Connecting to a remote server with a non-default port

  • Using the Management Studio I wish to register a remote sql server. However there is no option to set the port whereas the server I wish to connect to is not running on the default port.

    The Configuration Manager allows me to configure an alias to the server in question but there seems to be no way to connect to an alias when trying to connect to a server in Management Studio.

    Any ideas?


  • On the SQL2005 Server Registration Properties dialog, in the Server Name box, type the port number after server\instance names.  For example   "sql1\instance1,1234".  This is of course, if you know the port number already.  If not, you'll have to turn on the SQL Browser service on the server so it can be auto discovered by the 2005 client tools.

  • Also if you go to IIS and navigate to "Reports" folder,right click and click browse.
    and you should see,at the bottom of screen, what port reporting services using.
  • I haven't converterd to sql2005 yet, so I'm definitely no wizard of it, however I did find the place to review and set the port and alias definitions.  Under Start>Programs>MS SQL2005>Configuration Tools>Configuration Manager - Network Configurations node>Protocols>TCP\IP - right click Properties - IP Addresses tab - You can find it here.

    As for seting the aliase, it's in the same app, just under the SQL Native Client Configuration node>Aliases.  There is an option to specify the port there.

  • Hi - can I ask if you have actually tried this? Because its not working for me.

    I'm putting the following in my Server Name box, MySqlPortNo

    Because its the default instance I've not put in an instance. But its still failing to connect. Yet using 2000 Enterprise manager it works fine.


  • Based on my understanding of the problem you want to connect to a SQL server which is listening on port other then 1433

    Lets say my SQL is listening on 2012 and its IP is a.b.c.d

    from Management studio, i can give server name as tcp:a.b.c.d,2012 and it works.



  • Oh yes, definitely tested.  For you, I don't know if it's a matter of the instance name, white spaces, wrong port number, etc.  You've mentioned both "Management Studio' (sql2005), and Enterprise Manager (sql2000), which is a bit confusing for me.  For sql2000, you configure alias names with the "Client Network Utility", and set the port number there (under the alias tab).  For sql2005, it's as I mentioned in the two previous posts.

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