Connecting SQL Server 2005 from windows 98

  • Hi friends

    I am Not able to connect SQL 2005 intance

    from windows 98 ODBC as well as SQL 2000 Query Analyzer,

    Our problem is a number of windows 98 clents are still there ,and is going to there for another one year



  • johncyriac (11/25/2008)

    Hi friends

    I am Not able to connect SQL 2005 intance

    from windows 98 ODBC as well as SQL 2000 Query Analyzer,

    Our problem is a number of windows 98 clents are still there ,and is going to there for another one year



    windows 98 does not supports sql server 2005 installation due to its framework. but you can install sql server on another pc[server], and can install another sql server 7 on windows 98 and via that you can access your database in sql 2005

    kshitij kumar

  • Hi,

    You mean, you just want to connect to SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 Instances from Windows 98 right? If so then you need to install SQL 2000 client components in those clients (cliconfg.exe) and then you will be able to connect to above version's of SQL Server

    As per this document:

    The SQL Server 2000 client software runs the same on a Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98, or Windows 95 computer as it does on a Microsoft Windows NT® or Windows 2000 computer, with the following exceptions:

    The Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98, and Windows 95 network redirectors do not provide computer browser support. SQL Server dialog boxes that depend on this feature to get a list of servers do not display a server list on Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98, or Windows 95. This includes the Register Server dialog box, the Register Server Wizard, and the Query Analyzer Login dialog box.

    The SQL Server utilities are not supported on Windows 95. They are supported on Windows Millennium Edition and Windows 98.

    The SQL Server tools that poll for the state of a server (SQL Server Enterprise Manager, SQL Server Agent) must do so actively using a poll service state interval defined by the user.

    My Blog ->

  • HI Sakthivel

    You are right i just want to connect to SQL Server 2005

    from win98 using odbc and SQL 2000 Query Analyser

  • what is your MDAC version


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • MDAC 2.8

  • The reponse to this was slugish , but I got the problem solved some how

    For the use of other dbas and developers I'm just recoding my exp

    Windows Version 2003R2 X64

    SQL Version 2005 X64

    Problem : Unable to connect from some windows 98 clients using Query Analyzer (SQL 2000) or ODBC


    Try outs:

    IE 6 SP2

    dsclient for win98

    Creating alias in SQL Client Network utility,

    Some PCs this worked ,but failed in others


    Created a server side alias ,using SQl Server ,Service Configuration Utility and

    Enabled the Protocol - Named Pipes



  • I've a problem too to connect ODBC from win98 to SQL 2005. i was enabled the namepipe but not lucky. the error is SSL Security Error. I believe no SSL certificate was installed on the server. the server was running windows 2008. anyone can help this problem and btw MDAC version is 2.8 SP1 on win98 client.

    SQL Error:772

    [ DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()).]SSL Security error


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