Connecting Informix from SQL Server database

  • Is it possible in a stored procedure to connect an informix database ? I would like to read datas from an informix table to insert them in a sql server one.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Yes, it's posible. You have to define a "Linked server". SQL Server Enterprise Manager-> <Your server> -> Security -> Linked Servers

    You can use a working ODBC defined connection as the Datasource (Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC driver). Then take a look at the security tab and match a local sql account with a Informix account.

    Take a look at the books online...

  • If you are looking at migrating data, dts works good.  I migrated from Informix to SQL-Server a few years ago.  Like jcfilth said, you need an ODBC driver set up to do it.


  • i'm having trouble actually setting this up.

    don't suppose there is a quick 'how-to' out there written specifically

    for setting up a linked server to informix? i've got a user account here,

    and thats about it.

    don't know anything about informix though.



  • neotokyo,

    Did you get the ODBC set up and working?


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