Connect PowerBI to SQL Server - TrustServerCertificate

  • Hi there,

    I have a problem with connecting my PowerBI desktop to my SQL server. I know 100% the problem lies with the 'TrustServerCertificate' attribute.

    When logging into to SSMS, or creating and ODBC data source, I need to ensure TrustServerCertificate is true. However, when using the SQL server connector (and the Azure SQL Server connector) in PowerBI desktop, there is no option for it. I have tried writing SQL statement to change this, as that's the only option I have but none have worked.

    I have tried



    With all different versions of capitals, semi-colons etc.

    Am I missing something? What statement can I use to get PowerBI to TrustServerCertificate?

    Apologies if I posted this in the wrong place.

    Thank you



  • There's a solution for this posted on the Power BI community forum:

  • Sometimes you have to search in another direction. I read a lot about loading service certificate and/or setting "TrustServerCertificate" to true.

    However, in our case (and it sounds more cases are like this) from one day to another the user (and only "one user") was not able to connect to SQL Server from power BI anymore. Nothing had changed in our environment. Solving the issue by some certificate did not sound right.

    Try this (it solved our issue): make sure the user has the latest version of Power BI Desktop installed.

    In Sep 2023 the user was still working with version May 2023. Just installing the newest version of Power BI Desktop enabled him to connect to SQL data again.

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