Confirmation with Restoration

  • I have Restored the Database and we can see that it showing old created date. I have followed below procedure. It will be very helpful if someone provides me the reason.

    1) Restored by using restore script.

    Note: There is no issue with script. Restored many DB'S by using this.

    2) Verified by using sp_helpdb [db_name]

    I see the old date i.e of 2012 and Owner is SA. Generally it should be restored date and my self should be owner.

    3) By error log i can see that database is restored successfully.

    I’m nobody but still I’m somebody to someone………….

  • SQLAli (7/6/2014)

    2) Verified by using sp_helpdb [db_name]

    I see the old date i.e of 2012 and Owner is SA. Generally it should be restored date and my self should be owner.

    No it shouldn't, it should be the date the database was created, not restored, and who created it, not who restored it.

  • Thanks for giving this useful information...

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