Configuring Active/Active Cluster

  • Hi,

    I need to install an active/active sql 2005 cluster. Anyone has any docs or links (with screenshots is best) related to that. I need to configure even at the OS level as we dont have experienced windows administrator.


    Chandra Mohan

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • Active/Active, Active/Passive – the only difference is that it is impossible to setup one MS SQL Server instance in Active/ Active. You need at least two (one instance per one note) because only one instance can work with one database. So, use normal cluster setup documentation from Microsoft. For example:

    Is it so difficult to type: “microsoft cluster setup” in any internet search? You will find everything you need including screenshots or you can hire my company and we will be glad to do everything for cluster and database setup. And, by the way, this will help you to avoid a lot of mistakes and problems in the long run because we do know how that works.

    Alex Prusakov

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