configure SSRS 2008 on Windows Vista

  • Has anyone been able to configure SSRS 2008 on Vista? It seems that Vista security features does not allow a loacl user within admin group to be able to administrate SSRS. What I got is an empty version of the report manager and an access denied prompt on the report server web service site.

    Coudl someonesend screen shots or config text for each of the SQL services tht makse it work? Notice, I'm talking about a pc with windows vista and a local SQL server, with no network (i.e. a local development pc).

  • does anyone have a solution for this? I have the same problem and have found nothing that works so far...



  • well i got this working. here's what I had to do in case anyone else has this problem:

    1. enable the administrator account on the local machine

    2. logout and log in again as administrator

    3. open IE and browse to http://localhost/Reports_INSTANCENAME

    4. click on "site settings" and then "security"

    5. add MACHINE\me to the system administrator role

    6. click "home" then "properties"

    7. add MACHINE\me to all roles: Browser, Content Manager, My Reports, Publisher, Report Builder

    8. logout as adminstrator

    9. login as me, disable adminstrator acct.

    sometimes vista is such a PITA....


  • An easier way to accomplish this same task is to run IE under "Run as administrator". To do this, simply right-click on IE and select "Run as administrator" from within Vista. Then you can add yourself and any other users to the Home tab's security propeties with the appropriate access. After adding yourself, you will no longer need to run IE under "Run as administrator".

  • yes I tried that, didn't work for me.


  • I found this link, which has the steps to solve the "blank report manager" problem on Vista.

    It is the same as what the other posters have posted, but at least we know why we are doing all this is for Vista.


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