Conditional visibility of report items

  • Summary: I wish to hide certain sets of data depending upon a condition.

    Data description/sample

    Row1 - HeaderInfo, Status = Errors Found

    Row2 - DetailInfo1, misc detail info related to header in row1

    Row3 - DetailInfo2, more misc detail info related to header in row1

    Row4 - HeaderInfo, Status = No Errors

    Row5 = DetailInfo1, misc detail info related to header in row4

    Row6 - DetailInfo2, more misc detail info related to header in row4.

    When processing, I only want to print rows for collections whose Header status is "Errors found". In the above example, I would only want Rows 1 - 3 to print.

    How can I do this? Let me know if you need more information.

  • The easiest approach would be to filter the data out in your query.  If this is not possible, you can dynamically hide/display rows based on values in the data set.  If you want to hide an entire row, click the table row, then select Visibility in the poperties and change the Hidden property to an expression.

    =iif(Fields!Status.Value  = "Errors Found", false, true)


  • Yes, I tried putting an expression in the Hidden property of each tablerow, but the problem is the only the Header data row contains the flag telling me whether errors are found or not. I tried to implement an internal parameter indicating whether or not to print the detail items, but I could not make it toggle on/off based on the value in the header row. I must be doing something wrong, because it should not be this hard.

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