Conditional query

  • Hello people. It's my first post with this account due to the fact that my previous email was shut down. I'm facing the following problem.

    I have a table that has 32 rows (its a static table for look-up). Now The table has the structure i have on the attached xlsx and pdf file (they are the same).

    This shows the coordinates i captured from an image (in the png file) for each tooth. What I am trying to do is when inside my application the user clicks on a specific region (e.g. a certain tooth) an SQL query will run and try based on the coordinates to match the tooth from the table. The problem is on the Y axis where from tooth 1 to 8 (as seen in the pic) the Y values are going from smaller to larger for start and end respectively. but from tooth 8 to 16 (and then from 17 to 24) the condition is reversed and the start point is a larger value on the Y axis than the end point. What can i do ? I tried a query with case statement and a where exists statement, but i didn't seem to get a solution. Please help me. I'll answer all relevant questions in order to find a solution for it.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Post the query you've been working on so we can see it.


  • Flip the start and end positions where start >= end so you can use a "standard query" and add constraints to ensure start <=end.

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  • i was thinking something like that

    SELECT TOP 1000 [ID]









    when 230 > starty then

    (SELECT * FROM [RC_EMA].[dbo].[70_DentalMapping] WHERE

    52 > STARTX AND 52 < ENDX AND 230 > ENDY AND 230 < STARTY)

    when 230 < starty then

    (SELECT * FROM [RC_EMA].[dbo].[70_DentalMapping] WHERE

    52 > STARTX AND 52 < ENDX AND 230 < ENDY AND 230 > STARTY)


    FROM [RC_EMA].[dbo].[70_DentalMapping]

    @LutzM : what is your proposal, based on the query i have provided ? Or you are thinking something completely different ?

  • Hi

    I was thinking geometry, but that would be overkill :-). Another option would be to add some calculated columns for minx, maxx, miny and maxy.

    Having a look at the geometries that your coordinates produce does show that you have a couple of overlaps between 7 and 8, 22 and 23 and 27 and 28

    create table #toothmap (

    id int identity primary key,

    ToothNumber int,

    StartX int,

    EndX int,

    StartY int,

    EndY int,

    Quadrant int,

    QuadrantTooth int,

    minX as case when startx <= endx then startx else endx end,

    maxX as case when startx > endx then startx else endx end,

    minY as case when starty <= endy then starty else endy end,

    maxY as case when starty > endy then starty else endy end,

    bBox geometry


    insert into #toothmap (ToothNumber,startX,endX,startY,endY,Quadrant,QuadrantTooth)


































    update #toothmap

    set bBox = Geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((' +

    cast(startX as varchar(3)) + ' ' + cast(startY as varchar(3)) + ', ' +

    cast(startX as varchar(3)) + ' ' + cast(endY as varchar(3)) + ', ' +

    cast(endX as varchar(3)) + ' ' + cast(endY as varchar(3)) + ', ' +

    cast(endX as varchar(3)) + ' ' + cast(startY as varchar(3)) + ', ' +

    cast(startX as varchar(3)) + ' ' + cast(startY as varchar(3)) + '))'


    -- Will show map in spatial results tab

    select *

    from #toothmap

    -- select on calculated columns

    select *

    from #toothmap

    where 50 between minX and maxX and 231 between minY and maxY

    -- select on geometry

    select *

    from #toothmap

    where bBox.STContains(Geometry::Point(50,231,0)) = 1

    -- determine overlapping tooth maps

    select a.toothNumber, b.toothNumber

    from #toothmap a

    inner join #toothmap b on <> and a.bBox.STIntersects(b.bBox) = 1

    drop table #toothmap

  • @Kyr_Soronas: I though about an approach towards what mickyT came up with, but just without the "fancy geometry stuff" (@mickyT: no offence intended 😉 )

    However, instead of using computed columns, I would update the current table and add an instead of trigger that would store the values in the appropriate column.

    PS: @mickyT: I still like the graphical display though.

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  • LutzM (11/12/2013)

    @Kyr_Soronas: I though about an approach towards what mickyT came up with, but just without the "fancy geometry stuff" (@mickyT: no offence intended 😉 )

    However, instead of using computed columns, I would update the current table and add an instead of trigger that would store the values in the appropriate column.

    PS: @mickyT: I still like the graphical display though.

    Yep ... geometry is definitely overkill:-D The performance wouldn't be that great, not that it would have a large impact on such a small table (1ms vs 3ms).

    I wasn't going to post the geometry part of it until I saw the overlaps and thought it would be easier to show them that way rather than try to describe it.

  • mickyT (11/12/2013)

    LutzM (11/12/2013)

    @Kyr_Soronas: I though about an approach towards what mickyT came up with, but just without the "fancy geometry stuff" (@mickyT: no offence intended 😉 )

    However, instead of using computed columns, I would update the current table and add an instead of trigger that would store the values in the appropriate column.

    PS: @mickyT: I still like the graphical display though.

    Yep ... geometry is definitely overkill:-D The performance wouldn't be that great, not that it would have a large impact on such a small table (1ms vs 3ms).

    I wasn't going to post the geometry part of it until I saw the overlaps and thought it would be easier to show them that way rather than try to describe it.

    So what would you do if you were me ? i'm not THAT good in SQL (using geometry etc) I would appreciate very much if you could simplify it for me.

    Thanks again...

  • Kyr_Soronas (11/12/2013)

    mickyT (11/12/2013)

    LutzM (11/12/2013)

    @Kyr_Soronas: I though about an approach towards what mickyT came up with, but just without the "fancy geometry stuff" (@mickyT: no offence intended 😉 )

    However, instead of using computed columns, I would update the current table and add an instead of trigger that would store the values in the appropriate column.

    PS: @mickyT: I still like the graphical display though.

    Yep ... geometry is definitely overkill:-D The performance wouldn't be that great, not that it would have a large impact on such a small table (1ms vs 3ms).

    I wasn't going to post the geometry part of it until I saw the overlaps and thought it would be easier to show them that way rather than try to describe it.

    So what would you do if you were me ? i'm not THAT good in SQL (using geometry etc) I would appreciate very much if you could simplify it for me.

    Thanks again...

    Given that the toothmap table is likely to be static, I would go for making the data fit for the query.

    This can be done with either a trigger that Lutz suggested, the computed columns I suggested or the easiest way of creating table with the start values being less than the end value.

    Assuming that the a queried coordinate should only return a single tooth, I would also remove the overlaps between the teeth.

    Once you have the columns with a min/max configuration, the query is

    select *

    from toothmap

    where @x between minx and maxx and @y between miny and maxy

    Sorry for confusing things with the posting of geometry stuff;-)

    Thinking about this a bit more, while the geometry stuff I posted will work for queries, the map that is shows is inverted on the y axis. Images measure from the top left (y down), whereas geometry measures from the lower left (y up)

  • MickyT !!! you're a works...and I only had to fix 3 overlapping variables !!!! Thank you all for your time and a very special thanks to Mick....a life saver !!! remind me to buy you guys beers!!!

  • No problem ... glad to help

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