conditional query

  • I have a table statementmaster in my SQL 2005 database with records as

    ID Serial Narration Reference

    1 700 1 7662626

    2 900 3232323

    3 700 2 32323233

    4 100 1 23233

    5 700 1 43434

    I am trying to write a Sql query for which the output should display all the records from the statementmaster table and when the 'Serial' column value is 700 then I need only those records where the 'Narration' column value is 1. So with the above example the query should fetch all the records except where ID value is 3 as the 'Serial' is 700 and the 'Narraton' is 2

    The script to create the table and data is given below

    create table statementmaster


    ID int not null,

    Serial int not null,

    Narration int null,

    Reference int not null


    Insert into statementmaster values (1,700,1,7662626)

    Insert into statementmaster values (2,900,,3232323)

    Insert into statementmaster values (3,700,2,32323233)

    Insert into statementmaster values (4,100,1,23233)

    Insert into statementmaster values (5,700,1,43434)

  • Looked like a home work, any way here you go...

    SELECT * FROM #statementmaster

    WHERE Serial ! = 700 or

    (Serial = 700 AND Narration = 1 )

    Bru Medishetty

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  • based on the available criteria:

    Here's another method

    SELECT ID,Serial,Narration,Reference

    FROM statementmaster

    Where isnull(Narration,1) = 1

    And Serial like (case when serial = '700' then '700' else '%' end)

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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