Conditional Order By clause?

  • Hey, I'm trying to creat a simple proc to return an ordered list depending on which column the user selects to sort by, desc or asc. Is this possible?

    Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer *jumps around like a moron* Developer Developer

    Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer *jumps around like a moron* Developer Developer

  • As far as I know the only possibility you have is to build up dinamically your query within the proc. Of cours doing so you will lose the optimization made by the precomiler but at least you will get what you want.

    An example:

    create proc sample @OrderedBy varchar(255)


    declare @SqlString varchar(8000)

    select @SqlString = 'select a, b, c, d from MyTable order by ' + @OrderedBy

    exec (@SqlString)


    And you can call your proc like:

    exec sample 'a desc, c asc, d desc, b'

    I hope this helps



  • Another possibility if the number of order by rows is small and predetermined

    select * from

    where selectColumn=@SelectValue

    order by case when @SortParm='column1' then column1

    when @SortParm='column2' then column2

    when @SortPram='column3' then column3


    else DefaultSortColumn

  • Excellent tip, bspiglejr!

    Now, when using your CASE method of determining the ORDER BY criteria, would it be possible to also add an additional CASE statement to determine ASC or DESC?

    Edited by - kenwallacedesign on 08/10/2003 7:52:55 PM

  • Thanks guys!

    Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer *jumps around like a moron* Developer Developer

    Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer *jumps around like a moron* Developer Developer

  • If the columns are not the same datatype, then you can use:

    select * from

    where selectColumn=@SelectValue

    order by case when @SortParm='column1' then column1 end,

    case when @SortParm='column2' then column2 end,

    case when @SortPram='column3' then column3 end

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