Conditional Join

  • I am joining two tables on USERID.  One table always is equal to the USERID where as the other table sometimes have a '~' in the front of the USERID.

    I need to be able to join the two based on two conditions:

    mid(table1.userid,2,10) = Table2.userid


    table1.userid = table2.userid

    I know I can put this together in the WHERE clause, but I need to make this a join.  I tested using OR in the join, but it kept looping (though it didn't error out).

    Could someone please lend me some advice?  I would appreciate it!

  • Just use replace and get rid of ~:

    Table1 inner join Table2

    on Replace(Table1.userid, '~', '') = Table2.userid

  • Thanks so much for the fast reply.  I tried it and it worked!

  • Sweet. Better living through TSQL.

  • Johnny - that's an interesting solution.  However, it works for this particular case where the join can be made via the replace command.  What about when you want to conditionally join on something much more obtuse (e.g., different numerical keys, etc...)?  Any suggestions?


  • Paul,  One way to use conditionals is to use a case statement to separate the info. 

    As an example I have mashed two tables together (named GarbageData) into a view like this


    Type IDNUmber ColorID
    car 145 123
    car 141 103
    person 101 100
    person 102 101


    The ColorID field actually refers to 2 different tables  _eyecolor and _VehicleColor

    I would use this query to get the textual values from the respective tables

    select type,  IDNUmber,


    when  type= 'people' then eyecolor

    when  type='cars' then  Vehiclecolor




    from GarbageData

    left outer join _eyecolor on color=pk_eyecolor

    left outer join _Vehiclecolor on color=pk_Vehiclecolor

    I hope that helps

    tal mcmahon



    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Excellent!  Thanks!

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