Conditional hyperlink

  • Anyone have any luck getting a conditional hyperlink to work?

    =IIF(Fields!structID.Value > 0,"Report1","")

    In otherwords, allow the hyperlink, otherwise no hyperlink.



    John A. Byrnes

  • Hi ,

    In general to navigate to a report using hyper link,

    Rigth Click the cell-->Property-->Navigation . In the Jump to URL section give the expression as


    here Sub is the report to which I want to navigate and sd is the parameter for this report(which Im passing from the main report)

    If you want to apply condition you can give it like this:

    =iif(Fields!structID.Value > 0,"void'"+Globals!ReportServerUrl+"?"+Globals!ReportFolder+"/"+"Sub&rs:command=render&rc:Parameters=false&sd="+Parameters!sd.Value.ToString()+"')",0)

    After this deploy the report and try navigation in the Report Server, I think in BIDS navigation wont work.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • If you are just jumping to another report and Report1 is the report name then you just need to fix up your code replacing the empty string with Nothing:

    =IIF(Fields!structID.Value > 0,"Report1",Nothing)

    You also might want to do some conditional formatting based on if it is a hyperlink or not. To make the hyperlinks underlined and blue:

    In the Properties --> Font --> Decoration setting

    =IIF(Fields!structID.Value > 0,"Underline","None")

    Color settings

    =IIF(Fields!structID.Value > 0,"Blue","Black")

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