Conditional execution of a DTS package

  • I have a DTS package that itterates through a series of XML files and does a bulk upload of data into a series of tables.

    This runs every 30 seconds.

    I have another process that is designed to run nightly but what I want it to do is execute conditionally. If there are any records in a table where the field ProcessedDate IS NULL then execute the DTS package, otherwise quit.

    I am not sure how to do this.

  • One way is to put a piece of ActiveX code as the first step in the DTS package.  Perform the IS NULL checks in this step and then:

     if (NULL condition) then

      main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success


      Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

     end if

    Then you'll need Success and Failure workflows coming out of this task to control what happens next.  Obviously, Success will point to your existing processing.

    The DTSStepScriptResult_DontExecuteTask constant also looks promising, but I've never used that, so I'm not sure.


  • Do I have to go through the all the CreateObject("ADODB.Command") stuff to execute a query to get the count back or is there a quicker way of doing this?

  • That's the way I would do it - here's some sample code - notice that I have put the connection string in a global variable for ease of use:

     Dim strConn

     Dim objConn

     Dim objCmd

     Dim rs

    'Create connection

     strConn = DTSGlobalVariables("ConnectionString").Value

     Set objConn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConn

     Set objCmd=CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

     objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn

     objCmd.CommandText = (select statement here)

     Set rs = objCmd.Execute()

    (process your resultset here)

    'Tidy up

     set rs = nothing

     set objCmd = nothing

  • Alteratively select @@rowcount from a sql statement and use a raiserror if @@rowcount = 0.

    See this related article.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • The problem (or advantage, depending on your viewpoint) of DTS is that it often provides a half dozen different ways to do something.

    Define a Connection object, and run an Execute SQL task on it. This SQL task has an output parameter, which places a boolean into a global DTS variable if there are any records where ProcessedDate IS NULL.

    Following this is an ActiveX script task makes the package self-modifying. Following the ActiveX script task is an Execute Package Task. You write VBScript to set the properties of the sub-package, depending on the global variable. Specifically, you grab a reference to the Execute Package task in VBScript, and set the Task.CustomTask.PackageName property. This makes the final step conditional on what was returned by the SQL on ProcessedDate IS NULL.

  • Another option would be to use a Dynamic Properties Task to set a Global Variable to a Count or Return value from a Query. Then in an ActiveX Task check the Global Variable and do what needs to be done from there.

    Good Luck


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