Concatening invoice number field problem return all invoice nr in each line

  • Hello community,

    I have the following query that returns for each purchase the invoice of transportation expenses in order to calculate the percentage of additional expenses to be attributed to the Product.
    The problem I have is when 2 purchase invoices have the same shipping expense invoice.
    What happens is that in all the lines I have to concatenate all the invoices of purchases and not the number of each of them, as well as the measurements and the pallets.
    I send you attach Excel File in this topic.
    How can I resolve this situation?
    This is my Query:

                (select paises.NOME
                    from paises
                    where paises.NOMEABRV=(select fl.pncont from fl
                                            where and fo.estab=fl.estab)) as 'Country'
                ,fo.docdata as 'Invoice Date (Products)'
                ,fo2.u_nome as 'Transporter (Freight)'
                ,fo.nome as 'Supplier of Products'
                ,fo.u_tipo as 'Type of Product'
        , ( SELECT SUM(fo.u_paletes)
         FROM FO (NoLock)
                        inner join fo2 (NoLock) on fo2.fo2stamp=fo.fostamp
                            and year(fo.docdata)='2018'
                            and fo2.u_nome like 'Transportes J. Morais' +'%'
            ) AS 'pallets'
        ( SELECT DISTINCT ','+Rtrim(fo.u_medidas)
         FROM FO (NoLock)
                        inner join fo2 (NoLock) on fo2.fo2stamp=fo.fostamp
                            and year(fo.docdata)='2018'
                            and fo2.u_nome like 'Transportes J. Morais' +'%'
                FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') AS VARCHAR(200)) AS 'Measures'        
                ,fo.u_cubicage as 'cubic meters'
                ,fo2.u_adoc as 'freight invoice'
                ,AVG(fo2.u_valor) as 'Freight Value'
        ( SELECT DISTINCT ' | '+Rtrim(foo.adoc)
         FROM FO FOO (NoLock)
                        inner join fo2 (NoLock) on fo2.fo2stamp=foo.fostamp
                        inner join fn (NoLock) on fn.fostamp=foo.fostamp
                            and year(foo.docdata)='2018'
                            and fo2.u_nome like 'Transportes J. Morais' +'%'
                            AND FOO.fostamp IN(SELECT fo.fostamp FROM fo )
                            AND FOO.adoc in(SELECT fo.adoc FROM fo)
                FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') AS VARCHAR(200)) AS 'invoice of Products'

                ,sum(fn.etiliquido) as 'Invoice Products Value'
                ,ROUND(AVG(fo2.u_valor) / SUM(fn.etiliquido) * 100,2) as 'Rate of Costs'
            from fo (NoLock)
                inner join fo2 (NoLock) on fo2.fo2stamp=fo.fostamp
                inner join fn (NoLock) on fn.fostamp=fo.fostamp
            where fo2.u_tstamp<>''
                and year(fo.docdata)='2018'
                and fo2.u_nome like 'Transportes J. Morais' +'%'
            group by fo2.u_adoc, fo.docdata,fo2.u_nome,fo.nome,fo.zona,,fo.estab,fo.u_tipo,fo.u_cubicage, fo2.u_tstamp

    Many thanks,

  • Luis,

    with over 6100 points, you've been around awhile.  You know we need DDL and data with expected results to help.

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  • Hello Mike01

    You ´r right , i will go to create DDL script for all tables and fields that i use on my Query.


  • hello Mike

    I send in attach the entire script to create temp tables with data, i hope don´t forget any field.
    i send you my function above : [dbo].[FnPesoTransporte](fo2.u_tstamp)[Peso] :

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FnPesoTransporte]( 
    @ftstampT VARCHAR(25)
    --@PesoT int)
    DECLARE @Pesot NUMERIC (18,3)
    SELECT @PesoT = fo.u_pesoFROM fo JOIN FO2 ON fo2.fo2stamp = Fo.fostamp
    WHERE fo.fostamp = @ftstampTAND<>152 AND<>157
    AND EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM fo2 foo2 JOIN fo foo ON FOO2.fo2stamp = foo.fostampWHERE foo.fostamp = FO.fostamp) 


    What i want to do  is  if  for  2 invoices of  products i have the same invoice freight invoice then concate the invoice product in one line and sum all the values. If i have a relation 1 to 1 , 1 invoice of product for 1 freight invoice then don´t concate the nº of my invoice of products.
    See the excel file in attach, please.

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