concatenating two rows and updating the results into a new column

  • i have a table in which i have records like

    Table P

    ProblemID Desc

    1 this is a test

    1 this is another test

    1 this is another test

    now to concatenate them i used

    WITH CTE ( ProblemID,OverallPlan , seq )

    AS ( SELECT tableP.problemId, TableP.OverallPlan,


    FROM tableP )

    SELECT ProblemId,

    MAX( CASE seq WHEN 1 THEN OverallPlan ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +

    MAX( CASE seq WHEN 2 THEN OverallPlan ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +

    MAX( CASE seq WHEN 3 THEN OverallPlan ELSE '' END ) + ', ' +

    MAX( CASE seq WHEN 4 THEN OverallPlan ELSE '' END )


    GROUP BY ProblemID;)

    This provides me with the select but how can i update the select into a single overallplan column and then deleted any repeated ID's

  • I'm not completely sure what you are trying to do, but have you tried using the FOR XML PATH('') technique?

    CREATE TABLE #P (ProblemID int, OverallPlan varchar(50))

    INSERT #P (ProblemID, OverallPlan)

    SELECT 1, 'this is a test' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 'this is another test' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 'this is another test' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'test & <2a>' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'test " <2b>'




    SELECT '; ' + PINNER.OverallPlan FROM #P PINNER


    ORDER BY PINNER.OverallPlan

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)'),

    1, 2, '') AS ConcatenatedList




  • what i am actually trying to do is

    update a table X from a different table Y which has multiple records with the same ID i.e.

    Table y

    Id name notification validation reason

    1 test testnoti test test

    1 testA testB testC testD

    1 TestE testF testG TestH

    and it has the same data pattern for Id 2 and so on

    now what i am trying to do is

    concatenate all the records in this table Y into table X i.e. all the records with ID 1 will be stored in ID 1 in table x as

    Table X

    ID newName newnotificaiton NewValidation newReason

    1 test,testA,TestE testnoti,TestB,TestF test,testC,testG test,testD,testH

    with common table expression i know i can do this within a table but i have no idea on how to do ut with two tables

  • In most circumstances it's not a good idea to store concatenated values in a base table. It will cause pain if you ever need to split the concatenated column into separate values again. However, if you have to do this, then you can just use the FOR XML PATH('') technique as part of an UPDATE (INSERT or MERGE) statement.

  • Storing multiple values in single column <> 'good' 🙂

    However, there was an elegant bit of code on this site that I came across monday which may help.

    Adapt for your purposes.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyStatus](

    [Status_Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,

    [StatusDesc] [varchar](25) NULL,


    INSERT INTO MyStatus VALUES ('Active')

    INSERT INTO MyStatus VALUES ('OnHold')

    INSERT INTO MyStatus VALUES ('Disabled')

    INSERT INTO MyStatus VALUES ('Closed')

    DECLARE @MyStatusList VARCHAR(1000)

    SET @MyStatusList = ''

    SELECT @MyStatusList = ISNULL(@MyStatusList,'') + StatusDesc + ',' FROM MyStatus ORDER BY Status_Id

    PRINT @MyStatusList

    If data can screw you, it will; never assume the data are correct.

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