Concatenating strings into one row

  • Hi all,

    I have a table with ten thousands of rows that looks something like this:

    CREATE TABLE #temp


    company VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    details VARCHAR (200) NULL ,

    details2 VARCHAR (200) NULL ,

    code VARCHAR (50) NULL


    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', NULL, NULL, '0321')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', NULL, NULL, '0654')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', NULL, NULL, '0987')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'publishing', 'PUL12', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'publishing', 'PUG58', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'publishing', 'PUJ51', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'pharma', 'PH582', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'pharma', 'PH520', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'pharma', 'PH008', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', NULL, NULL, '9804')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', NULL, NULL, '2356')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', NULL, NULL, '0070')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', 'publishing', 'PUV15', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', 'publishing', 'PUT92', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', 'publishing', 'PUY30', NULL)

    I would like to see one row only for each company in the following format:

    company code-merged str-merged

    td tech 0321, 0654, 0987 publishing: PUL12, PUG58, PUJ51, pharma:PH582, PH520, PH008

    op tech 9804, 2356, 0070 publishing: PUV15, PUT92, PUY30

    I'm trying to merge the strings into one row using for xml path eg.

    SELECT code + ', ' FROM #temp WHERE company = 'td tech' AND details IS null for xml path('')

    This does the first only. Any way to do this on the entire table dynamically?


    Allzu viel ist ungesund...

  • Maybe this?


    SELECT company,details,details2,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY company,details

    ORDER BY details2) AS rn

    FROM #temp

    WHERE details IS NOT NULL)


    STUFF((SELECT ', ' + b.code AS "text()"

    FROM #temp b


    AND b.code IS NOT NULL

    ORDER BY b.code

    FOR XML PATH('')),1,2,'') AS [code-merged],

    (SELECT CASE WHEN c.rn=1 THEN ' ' + c.details+': ' ELSE ', ' END +

    c.details2 AS "text()"

    FROM CTE c


    ORDER BY c.details2

    FOR XML PATH('')) AS [str-merged]

    FROM #temp a



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  • Here's a couple of options: -


    CREATE TABLE #temp(

    company VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    details VARCHAR (200) NULL ,

    details2 VARCHAR (200) NULL ,

    code VARCHAR (50) NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', NULL, NULL, '0321')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', NULL, NULL, '0654')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', NULL, NULL, '0987')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'publishing', 'PUL12', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'publishing', 'PUG58', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'publishing', 'PUJ51', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'pharma', 'PH582', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'pharma', 'PH520', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'td tech', 'pharma', 'PH008', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', NULL, NULL, '9804')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', NULL, NULL, '2356')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', NULL, NULL, '0070')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', 'publishing', 'PUV15', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', 'publishing', 'PUT92', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 'op tech', 'publishing', 'PUY30', NULL)

    --Option 1

    SELECT company,

    COALESCE(STUFF((SELECT ', ' + code

    FROM #temp t2

    WHERE = AND t2.details IS NULL

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, ''),'') +

    COALESCE(' publishing: ' + STUFF((SELECT ', ' + details2

    FROM #temp t3

    WHERE = AND t3.details = 'publishing'

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, ''),'') +

    COALESCE(' pharma: ' + STUFF((SELECT ', ' + details2

    FROM #temp t4

    WHERE = AND t4.details = 'pharma'

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, ''),'') AS ConcatenatedString

    FROM #temp t1

    GROUP BY company

    --Option 2

    SELECT company,

    (SELECT grpCodes.grpCode

    FROM (SELECT ', ' + code

    FROM #temp t2

    WHERE = AND t2.details IS NULL

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) codes(code)

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT STUFF(codes.code.value('./text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'')) grpCodes(grpCode)) +

    COALESCE(' publishing: ' + (SELECT grpDetails2.grpDetail2

    FROM (SELECT ', ' + details2

    FROM #temp t3

    WHERE = AND t3.details = 'publishing'

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) details2(detail2)

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT STUFF(details2.detail2.value('./text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'')) grpDetails2(grpDetail2)),'') +

    COALESCE(' pharma: ' + (SELECT grpDetails2.grpDetail2

    FROM (SELECT ', ' + details2

    FROM #temp t4

    WHERE = AND t4.details = 'pharma'

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE) details2(detail2)

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT STUFF(details2.detail2.value('./text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'')) grpDetails2(grpDetail2)),'') AS ConcatenatedString

    FROM #temp t1

    GROUP BY company


    Both return -

    company ConcatenatedString

    -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    op tech 9804, 2356, 0070 publishing: PUV15, PUT92, PUY30

    td tech 0321, 0654, 0987 publishing: PUL12, PUG58, PUJ51 pharma: PH582, PH520, PH008


    Based on Mark's very clever script, option 3: -

    SELECT company,

    (SELECT CASE WHEN t2.rn=1

    THEN COALESCE(' ' + t2.details + ': ','') ELSE ', ' END + COALESCE(t2.details2, t2.code)

    FROM (SELECT company, details2, details, code,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY company,details ORDER BY details2) AS rn

    FROM #temp) t2

    WHERE =

    ORDER BY t2.details2

    FOR XML PATH(''))

    FROM #temp t1

    GROUP BY company

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  • Brilliant! Thanks for your time and have a good week!

    Allzu viel ist ungesund...

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