concatenate rows into a column

  • Does anyone know how to concatenate rows into a column for SOME of the output of a select statement?

    I'll use an example from sysdatabases to illustrate what I'm trying to do:

    This syntax works but it returns the COMPTlevel concatenated together. 

    declare  @name_list varchar(1000)

    declare  @compatiblity varchar(1000)

    set @name_list = ''

    set @compatiblity = ''

    select @compatiblity = @compatiblity + cast(cmptlevel as varchar(5)),

          @name_list = @name_list + name +',' from master..sysdatabases

    select @compatiblity,left(@name_list, len(@name_list) - 1) as databases

    What I'd ideally like is a result set GROUPED by comptlevel and then all the database names for that level concatenated together in one field of the output.  This is logically what I want but it doesn't work.  The result is not a set - and the group by doesn't pass the parser.

    declare  @name_list varchar(1000)

    declare  @compatiblity varchar(1000)

    -- this put it in one field

    set @name_list = ''

    set @compatiblity = ''

    select @compatiblity = cast(cmptlevel as varchar(5)),

          @name_list = @name_list + name +',' from master..sysdatabases

    group by cmptlevel

    select @compatiblity,left(@name_list, len(@name_list) - 1) as databases

    Any new tricks?  I've tried a coorelated subquery for the database list part but I can't get it past the parser.

  • The fact, that this aggregate concatenation queries work, is amazingly enough when you consider this KB article;EN-US;287515 

    SQL Server MVP Adam Machanic has a nice demonstration, that might give you some ideas. Here's his homepage It seems to be down right now, so I can't post the full link.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thanks for the links.  I had not found the MS one yet.  The other site appears to still be not functioning quite right.

  • Well, seems to be still down

    Adam is a regular visitor here. I dropped him a PM, but I would keep trying to reach his blog.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • The site is really in bad shape today, but this direct link into the article appears to work:

    Adam Machanic

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