Concatenate multiple rows into a single row

  • Hi everyone,

    I am looking for help for a TsqL LOOP IN A CURSOR.I have a table which looks like this.

    Order OrderDescription OrderSequence

    1 This item is the 1

    1 greatest thing to 2

    1 happen to the world 3

    2 The fundamentals of 1

    2 biology,specifically 2

    2 microbiology and 3

    2 parasitology speak 4

    2 about bacteria 5

    I tried writing a cursor(don't know if that's a good thing to do) and have a while @@fetcj]h = 0 loop, which concatenates all the order descriptions, based on a select ordered by OrderSequence and inseerts into a table Newtable. The problem which i run into is, coding a loop to move on to Order 2, after the inner loop concatenates the orderdescriptions. TSql is preety new to me and all the help, that i can get is appreciated.

    Aspiring Programmer

  • If you are trying to learn about cursors, here is an example of what you describe:

    DECLARE @OrderNo int, @Desc varchar(30)
    DECLARE @LastOrdNo int, @NewDesc varchar(2000)
    SELECT OrderNo, OrderDescription
    FROM Orders
    ORDER BY OrderNo, OrderSequence
    OPEN Cur
    FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @OrderNo, @Desc
    SET @LastOrdNo = @OrderNo
    IF @LastOrdNo = @OrderNo
    SET @NewDesc = ISNULL(@NewDesc + ' ','') + @Desc
    INSERT NewTable
    VALUES(@LastOrdNo, @NewDesc)
    SET @LastOrdNo = @OrderNo
    SET @NewDesc = @Desc
    FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @OrderNo, @Desc
    IF @LastOrdNo IS NOT NULL
    INSERT NewTable
    VALUES(@LastOrdNo, @NewDesc)
    CLOSE Cur

    If you're using SQL Server 2000, you could also use a concatenation trick with a UDF:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.f_BuildDesc(@OrderNo int)
    RETURNS varchar(2000) AS BEGIN
    DECLARE @Desc varchar(2000)
    SELECT @Desc = ISNULL(@Desc + ' ','') + OrderDescription
    FROM Orders
    WHERE OrderNo = @OrderNo
    ORDER BY OrderSequence
    RETURN @Desc END

    INSERT NewTable
    SELECT DISTINCT OrderNo, dbo.f_BuildDesc(OrderNo)
    FROM Orders

    Here is that same trick, but used with a cursor rather than a UDF:

    DECLARE @OrderNo int, @Desc varchar(2000)
    FROM Orders
    OPEN Cur
    SELECT @Desc = ISNULL(@Desc + ' ','') + OrderDescription
    FROM Orders
    WHERE OrderNo = @OrderNo
    ORDER BY OrderSequence
    INSERT NewTable
    VALUES(@OrderNo, @Desc)
    SET @Desc = NULL
    CLOSE Cur


    Edited by - Jonathan on 10/29/2003 09:33:46 AM


  • Here is a way to do that by creating a pivot table query, no cursors here.

    set nocount on

    create table pivot_records ([Order] int,

    OrderDescription varchar(100),

    OrderSequence int)

    insert into pivot_records values(1, 'This item is the', 1)

    insert into pivot_records values(1, 'happen to the world', 3)

    insert into pivot_records values(1, 'greatest thing to', 2)

    insert into pivot_records values(4, 'One more example for',1)

    insert into pivot_records values(4, 'good measure',2)

    insert into pivot_records values(2, 'The fundamentals of', 1)

    insert into pivot_records values(2, 'biology,specifically', 2)

    insert into pivot_records values(2, 'microbiology and', 3)

    insert into pivot_records values(2, 'parasitology speak', 4)

    insert into pivot_records values(2, 'about bacteria', 5)

    -- declare variables

    declare @p char(1000)

    declare @i char(5)

    declare @l int

    declare @m int

    -- Print Report Heading

    print 'Order' + ' OrderDescription'

    print '----- ' + '------------------------------------------'

    set @p = ''

    select top 1 @l=[Order] from pivot_records

    order by [Order] desc

    -- Set @m less than the first order

    set @m = 0

    -- Process until no more items

    while @m < @l


    -- increment Order number

    select top 1 @m = [Order] from pivot_records

    where [Order] > @m

    order by [Order]

    -- string together all Descriptions with a space between

    select @i = [Order], @p = rtrim(@p) + ' ' + OrderDescription

    from pivot_records a

    where [Order] = @m

    order by OrderSequence

    -- print detail row

    print @i + rtrim(@p)

    set @p = ''


    -- remove example table

    drop table pivot_records

    Gregory A. Larsen, DBA

    Contributor to 'The Best of 2002' book. Get a copy here:

    Need SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Thanks a lot to Jonathan and Greg Larsen.

    These were the exact tips and suggestions i was looking for, and appreciate the prompt responses. I will try out both the solutions.

    Can't thank enpugh again!!!

  • Hi,

    What Jonathan given is quite intellegible solution to the topic. I really learn a lot from those queries.

    Thanks Jonathan...,



  • The problem with cursors on big datasets is performance - batch processing is usually preferred. Same is probably true with any approach that processes records one by one. Since you already have OrderSequence column (and assuming there are not too many records per order and all orders always have a record where [OrderSequence]=1), you can try this:

    declare @i int, @max-2 int

    select @max-2 = max([OrderSequence]) from [Orders]

    insert [NewTable] ([Order], [OrderDescription])

    select [Order], ltrim(rtrim([OrderDescription]))

    from [Orders]

    where [OrderSequence] = 1

    set @i = 2

    while @i <= @max-2 begin

    update [NewTable]


    [OrderDescription] = n.[OrderDescription] + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(o.[OrderDescription]))


    [NewTable] n

    join [Orders] o on n.[Order] = o.[Order]


    o.[OrderSequence] = @i

    and o.[OrderDescription] is not null

    and o.[OrderDescription] != ''

    set @i = @i + 1


    I haven't tested this script, but I have implemented this solution in the past.

  • Unless you are an "expert" (god knows what this means...) you should be much better off staying away from cursors.

    Although it's not exactly easy to read... I still much prefer this

    /* run this once only

    set nocount on

    create table SomeTable (OrderId int,

    OrderDescription varchar(100),

    OrderSequence int)

    insert into SomeTable values(1, 'This item is the', 1)

    insert into SomeTable values(1, 'happen to the world', 3)

    insert into SomeTable values(1, 'greatest thing to', 2)

    insert into SomeTable values(4, 'One more example for',1)

    insert into SomeTable values(4, 'good measure',2)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'The fundamentals of', 1)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'biology,specifically', 2)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'microbiology and', 3)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'parasitology speak', 4)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'about bacteria', 5)


    WITH Orders(Id)

    AS (



    SELECT Id,


    SELECT OrderDescription + ' / '

    FROM SomeTable

    WHERE OrderId = Id

    ORDER BY OrderId, OrderSequence

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ) AS Descriptions

    FROM Orders

    Don't worry, I did not invent it! 🙂


  • Nice 2k5 solution... but I'm pretty sure that it won't work in 2k... 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Looks like correlated subquery.

    Nor really nice as for me. 😉

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Ack... agreed... I missed that... not enough coffee... :hehe:

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Guys,

    Yes, it is 2k5 specific.

    Yes it is a correlated sub query but why is this a problem?



  • If OrderSequence has a known upper limit this should do the trick. And if it should contain a correlated subquery, I beg everyone's pardon.:)

    select [Order],max(od1)+' '+max(od2)+' '+max(od3)+' '+max(od4)+' '+max(od5)



    select [Order],

    case when OrderSequence=1 then OrderDescription else '' end od1,

    case when OrderSequence=2 then OrderDescription else '' end od2,

    case when OrderSequence=3 then OrderDescription else '' end od3,

    case when OrderSequence=4 then OrderDescription else '' end od4,

    case when OrderSequence=5 then OrderDescription else '' end od5

    from pivot_records

    ) t

    group by [Order]

  • emamet (11/2/2007)


    Yes, it is 2k5 specific.

    Yes it is a correlated sub query but why is this a problem?

    Typically, yes... correlated subqueries tend to be slower than a nice derived table join. Your correlated subquery has an equi-join which isn't too bad (in-equality or triangular join would be much, much worse).

    Michael Meierruth's suggestion is much more effective if you're dealing with known limits on the number of lines that could be in the description. If, in fact, you have very good controls on the Order and Sequence numbers (ie. unique combinations of those), then you might be able to simplify Michael's code even further...

    --===== Using previous example of test data

    set nocount on

    create table SomeTable (OrderId int,

    OrderDescription varchar(100),

    OrderSequence int)

    insert into SomeTable values(1, 'This item is the', 1)

    insert into SomeTable values(1, 'happen to the world', 3)

    insert into SomeTable values(1, 'greatest thing to', 2)

    insert into SomeTable values(4, 'One more example for',1)

    insert into SomeTable values(4, 'good measure',2)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'The fundamentals of', 1)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'biology,specifically', 2)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'microbiology and', 3)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'parasitology speak', 4)

    insert into SomeTable values(2, 'about bacteria', 5)

    --===== Reconstruction of OrderDescription simplified

    SELECT OrderID,

    MAX(CASE WHEN OrderSequence=1 THEN OrderDescription+' ' ELSE '' END)

    + MAX(CASE WHEN OrderSequence=2 THEN OrderDescription+' ' ELSE '' END)

    + MAX(CASE WHEN OrderSequence=3 THEN OrderDescription+' ' ELSE '' END)

    + MAX(CASE WHEN OrderSequence=4 THEN OrderDescription+' ' ELSE '' END)

    + MAX(CASE WHEN OrderSequence=5 THEN OrderDescription ELSE '' END)

    FROM SomeTable

    GROUP BY OrderID

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • ... If the max number of Sequences is not known... we can convert this to something a bit more dynamic...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff,

    Thanks for the explanation, and the last query.


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