April 18, 2016 at 12:58 pm
Following is a SQL chunk that simulates data that I am dealing with...
Create table #TestTable (EmailID Int, EmailAddress Varchar (100))
Insert #TestTable Values (101, 'Donald@Trump.com'), (102, 'Ted@Cruz.com'), (103, 'Hillary@Clinton.com'),
(104, 'Bernie@Sanders.com'), (105, 'Donald@Trump.com'), (106, 'Hillary@Clinton.com'),
(107, 'Donald@Trump.com')
select * from #TestTable
drop table #TestTable
I need to get distinct EmailIDs from this table. For the most recent one (with highest ID), I have to append a text "(Currently leading)", and for all others I have to append a text "(was leading earlier"). All of these IDs along with the appended text have to be concated with "; " as the separator for each.
My sample output for the above table would look like below...
Donald@Trump.com (Currently leading); Hillary@Clinton.com (was leading earlier); Bernie@Sanders.com (was leading earlier), Ted@Cruz.com (was leading earlier)
Can you please help me with a suitable solution?
April 18, 2016 at 1:31 pm
How about something like this?
Create table #TestTable (EmailID Int, EmailAddress Varchar (100))
Insert #TestTable Values (101, 'Donald@Trump.com'), (102, 'Ted@Cruz.com'), (103, 'Hillary@Clinton.com'),
(104, 'Bernie@Sanders.com'), (105, 'Donald@Trump.com'), (106, 'Hillary@Clinton.com'),
(107, 'Donald@Trump.com');
WITH Ordered AS (SELECT RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY tt.EmailAddress ORDER BY tt.EmailID DESC), Email = CONCAT(EmailAddress, IIF(EmailID = (SELECT MAX(EmailID) FROM #TestTable tt), ' (Currently Leading)', ' (Was Leading Earlier)')) FROM #TestTable tt)
SELECT Ordered.Email FROM Ordered
WHERE Ordered.RN = 1
drop table #TestTable
April 18, 2016 at 2:46 pm
Depending on your indexes, the following may be better (and also produces the full concatenated string using the XML concatenation method).
Create table #TestTable (EmailID Int, EmailAddress Varchar (100))
Insert #TestTable Values (101, 'Donald@Trump.com'), (102, 'Ted@Cruz.com'), (103, 'Hillary@Clinton.com'),
(104, 'Bernie@Sanders.com'), (105, 'Donald@Trump.com'), (106, 'Hillary@Clinton.com'),
(107, 'Donald@Trump.com');
SELECT '; ' + tt.EmailAddress + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY MAX(tt.EmailID) DESC) = 1 THEN ' (Currently Leading)' ELSE ' (Was Leading Earlier)' END
FROM #TestTable tt
GROUP BY tt.EmailAddress
).value('text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(max)')
, 1, 2, '')
drop table #TestTable
J. Drew Allen
Business Intelligence Analyst
Philadelphia, PA
April 19, 2016 at 10:22 am
Thanks for the responses. I appreciate your time and effort very much!
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