Concat data from two records in same query

  • MrBaseball34 (10/27/2008)

    Good job, Seth

    I fixed the problem with the CoPays by loading them in the CTEs with the

    InsPlan stuff I also fixed it to bring over the SubscriberID so I wouldn't have to join ptInsurancePlans and it sped it up considerably.

    Good deal. I knew there would be some additional optimization possible, but my laptop battery was dying, so I went ahead and posted it as it was.

    I also selected the Descriptions by StartDtTm in the first CTE because I was getting all Descriptions for each patient and I selected DISTINCT descriptions in the second CTE because I was getting dupes.

    Heh, oops. I never re-added the date criteria. It did seem odd that you wanted all of their history concatenated into one field. :hehe:

    Thanks a million.

    You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback on how it worked. If you feel so inclined, post the final query for people who might read this later.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Ok, here's the final code:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[rr_Collect_EncounterReport](

    @StartDtTm AS DATETIME)



    ;WITH UniqueDescript(MRN, Description, StartDtTm, EndDtTm)

    AS (SELECT DISTINCT MRN, Description, StartDtTm, EndDtTm

    FROM ptSchedule),

    XMLDescript (MRN, XMLDesc)


    (SELECT DISTINCT [Description] AS 'data()'

    FROM UniqueDescript U2


    AND U2.StartDtTm BETWEEN @StartDtTm AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, @StartDtTm )

    FOR XML PATH('')) XMLDesc --Thanks Jacob Sebastian

    FROM UniqueDescript U


    PrimaryInsuranceCarrier(MRN, CarrierID, CoPay, SubscriberID)

    AS (SELECT MRN, MAX(CarrierID) CarrierID, CoPay, SubscriberID

    FROM ptInsurancePlans

    WHERE InsuranceLevel = 1

    AND Sequence = 1

    AND @StartDtTm BETWEEN EffectiveDtTm AND ExpirationDtTm

    GROUP BY MRN, CoPay, SubscriberID),

    SecondaryInsuranceCarrier(MRN, CarrierID, CoPay, SubscriberID)

    AS (SELECT MRN, MAX(CarrierID) CarrierID, CoPay, SubscriberID

    FROM ptInsurancePlans

    WHERE InsuranceLevel = 2

    AND Sequence = 2

    AND @StartDtTm BETWEEN EffectiveDtTm AND ExpirationDtTm

    GROUP BY MRN, CoPay, SubscriberID),

    Contacts (LName, FName, Address1, City, State, Zip, MRN, ContactID)

    AS (SELECT DISTINCT c.LName, c.FName, c.Address1, c.City, c.State, c.Zip, c.MRN, c.ContactID

    FROM ptContacts c

    INNER JOIN ptInsurancePlans IP ON C.ContactID = IP.SubscriberContactID AND C.MRN = IP.MRN

    INNER JOIN PrimaryInsuranceCarrier PIC ON IP.CarrierID = PIC.CarrierID)




    X.XMLDesc AS Description,

    d.LName + ', ' + d.FName AS PatientName,

    dbo.rr_GetAge_byMRN(d.MRN, GETDATE()) AS Age,




    ptContacts.LName + ', ' + ptContacts.FName AS GuarantorName,

    ptContacts.Address1 AS GuarantorAddress,

    ptContacts.City AS GuarantorCity,

    ptContacts.State AS GuarantorState,

    ptContacts.Zip AS GuarantorZip,

    CICP.CarrierCode PrimaryIns,

    CICP.CarrierName PrimaryInsPlanName,

    PIC.SubscriberID PrimaryInsSubscriberID,

    PIC.CoPay PrimaryInsCopay,

    CICS.CarrierCode SecondaryIns,

    CICS.CarrierName SecondaryInsPlanName,

    SIC.SubscriberID SecondaryInsSubscriberID,

    SIC.CoPay SecondaryInsCopay,


    FROM ptSchedule

    INNER JOIN ptDemographics AS d

    ON d.MRN = ptSchedule.MRN

    INNER JOIN ptEncounter

    ON ptEncounter.MRN = ptSchedule.MRN

    INNER JOIN XMLDescript X

    ON ptschedule.MRN = X.MRN

    LEFT JOIN Contacts ptContacts

    ON ptContacts.MRN = d.MRN

    LEFT JOIN PrimaryInsuranceCarrier PIC

    ON ptSchedule.MRN = PIC.MRN

    LEFT JOIN coInsCarriers CICP

    ON PIC.CarrierID = CICP.CarrierID

    LEFT JOIN SecondaryInsuranceCarrier SIC

    ON ptSchedule.MRN = SIC.MRN

    LEFT JOIN CoInsCarriers CICS

    ON SIC.CarrierID = CICS.CarrierID

    WHERE (CONVERT(VARCHAR, ptSchedule.StartDtTm,101) = @StartDtTm)

    AND CONVERT(VARCHAR,ptEncounter.DateofService, 10) = CONVERT(VARCHAR,ptSchedule.StartDtTm, 10)


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