CONCAT and SUM from one dataset in SQL Server 2016

  • Given the sample date:

    ID    Code       Store    Value
    1 PEN BAJA 10
    2 PEN BAJA 15
    3 NOTEBOOK LA 27

    Is there a query which will output the data:

    ID    Code       Store    Value
    1,2 PEN BAJA 25
    3 NOTEBOOK LA 27

    The values for code and store are unknown in advance (so can't use any solutions which requires this knowledge) and can't use STRING_AGG() since it's not available in SQL 2016.


  • google for xml path rows to column

    in adittion to the above you will also need a group by for the value column

  • It looks like you will need to group by Code and Store, Sum (Value) and use cross apply  select... for...xml path.

    I've never been able to write that piece of code without copying it, but here's my copied attempt.

    CREATE TABLE #table
    ( ID INT,
    Code VARCHAR(20),
    Store VARCHAR(20),
    [Value] INT

    INSERT #table VALUES
    (1, 'PEN', 'BAJA', 10),
    (2, 'PEN', 'BAJA', 15),
    (3, 'NOTEBOOK', 'LA', 27)

    SELECT b.IDList, Code, Store,
    SUM([Value]) AS 'Value'
    FROM #table AS a
    FROM #table
    WHERE Store = a.Store
    AND Code = a.Code
    FOR XML PATH('')
    ), 1, 2, '') AS IDList
    ) AS b
    GROUP BY Code, Store, b.IDList
    ORDER BY a.Store
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • FOR XML PATH is the only way I know for your version of SQL. The syntax is a bit arcane but you can live on it. It will continue to work in more recent versions but String_agg is more efficient.

    Original author: 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

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