June 22, 2015 at 1:41 am
Hi All,
I will be happy if someone can help me to generate xml
according to the following data:
-------Source table-------
create table #clnt
client_id bigint
,client_descr nvarchar(50)
,Phone nvarchar(50)
insert into #clnt (client_id, client_descr, Phone)
select 00001, 'TEST CUSTOMER 1', '123-456-789'
union all
select 00002, 'TEST CUSTOMER 2', '987-654-321'
select * from #clnt
-------Required Results in XML------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CustomerAccounts TransactionTimeStamp="2015-04-01T10:50:00Z" PageNumber="1" PageSize="500"
EndOfFile="true" CreatedLanguage="EN">
<Datum UDI="10" Description="Customer ID" Value="00001" Units="CID" />
<Datum UDI="20" Description="Customer Name" Value="TEST CUSTOMER 1" Units="CUST_NAME" />
<Datum UDI="30" Description="Phone Number" Value="123-456-789" Units="PHONE_NBR" />
<Datum UDI="10" Description="Customer ID" Value="00002" Units="CID" />
<Datum UDI="20" Description="Customer Name" Value="TEST CUSTOMER 2" Units="CUST_NAME" />
<Datum UDI="30" Description="Phone Number" Value="987-654-321" Units="PHONE_NBR" />
June 22, 2015 at 2:49 am
Thats the closest i could get, I'm quite sure there's a better way of doing it but couldn't think of anything else ATM.
<CustomerAccounts TransactionTimeStamp="2015-04-01T10:50:00Z" PageNumber="1" PageSize="500" EndOfFile="true" CreatedLanguage="EN">' +
'<Datum UDI="10" Description="Customer ID" Value="'+RIGHT('00000'+CONVERT (VARCHAR(6), client_id), 5)+'" Units="CID" />'+
'<Datum UDI="20" Description="Customer Name" Value="'+client_descr+'" Units="CUST_NAME" />'+
'<Datum UDI="30" Description="Phone Number" Value="'+Phone+'" Units="PHONE_NBR" />')
FROM #clnt
FOR XML PATH('Customer')))
June 22, 2015 at 7:03 am
Thank you,
Works great 🙂
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