Complex Where clause

  • I have a result set that is a Difference Report for changes on a contract.  I have some columns that are decimal(18,6) and some that are txt that I have had to make a Diff column based on a case statement where they are not equal.  What I need help figuring out is how can I see if 
    All of the Difference columns  are > 1 (meaning there is a change someone) and only show those. 
    I was thinking if all of the Current - Prior = 0 then add all of those type of columns and if they are > 1 then show that record but it could be any of The 7 columns in question that should show the column

    If(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp123') Is Not Null)
    Drop table #Temp123
    Create Table #temp123 (
    PKEY nvarchar(13)
    ,cmBase decimal(18,6)
    ,pmBase decimal(18,6)
    ,cmFrt decimal(18,6)
    ,pmFrt decimal(18,6)
    ,cmZone nvarchar(3)
    ,pmZone nvarchar(3)
    ,cmMon nvarchar(6)
    ,pmMon nvarchar(6)
    insert into #Temp123 values
    ('614-0204473-S', '0.800000', '0.830000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'DTA',    'MNA',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204474-S','0.715000', '0.800000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'DTA',    'DTA',        '201805',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204677-S','-0.100000','-0.130000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204678-S','-0.100000','-0.160000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204697-S','-0.110000','-0.130000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CRP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204698-S','-0.110000','-0.110000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204699-S','-0.110000','-0.110000',        '0.000000',    '0.200000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204700-S','-0.110000','-0.110000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204701-S','-0.110000','-0.120000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204756-S','-0.110000','-0.110000',        '0.000000',    '0.200000',        'CAP',    'CPA',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204757-S','-0.110000','-0.120000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204758-S','-0.110000','-0.110000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204759-S','-0.110000','-0.140000',        '0.000000',    '0.100000',        'CAP',    'CMC',        '201803',    '201803'),
    ('614-0204760-S','-0.110000','-0.110000',        '0.000000',    '0.000000',        'CAP',    'CAP',        '201803',    '201803')

    Select Pkey, cmBase , pmBase, cmBase - pmBase as DiffBase,
       CmFrt, PMFrt, cmFrt - pmFrt as DiffFrt,
         cmZone, pmZone, case when cmZone <> pmZone then 1 else 0 end as DiffZone,
         cmMon, pmMon, case when cmMon <> pmMon then 1 else 0 end as DiffMon
         from #temp123

    Desired Results.  Only the records where all of the Diff columns 0 or 0.0000000

  • Those requirements seem contradictory to me.

    What I need help figuring out is how can I see if 
    All of the Difference columns are > 1 (meaning there is a change someone) and only show those. 

    Desired Results. Only the records where all of the Diff columns 0 or 0.0000000

    Hmm, which is it?  Or am I reading that wrong?

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • is the Diff columns in the select statement there is an easy to read column for 0 or 0.00000 for decimal.  If there are no changes in the columns across the records they don't want to see the result, only want to see if there are changes in 1 or more of those diff column.  

    So if there was a difference only in the Base column for Diff Base then they want to see the entire record but for the record with the pkey as '614-0204700-S' there are no changes across the different groups of columns so all of the Diff columns are showing no changes.  They would not want to see this record, thus I need to be able to filter out records with no changes across all of the Diff columns like the record mentioned previously

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