Complex Search Query - PLEASE HELP!

  • Hi there,

    I need a query to join 3 tables. Here is my setup:


    Groups | ID, Name

    Keywords | ID, GroupID, Keyword

    Search | ID, Keyword

    "Groups" and "Keywords" are linked one to many, with each group being assigned multiple keywords. "Search" holds a list of keywords that I want to search for. In particular, I need to find the groups that have ALL of the keywords in "Search" assigned to them (not just at least one). I've tried many different approaches, but cannot find a way to do this with a single query. All my attempts so far also return groups that only have a few of the keywords in "Search" assigned to them, but not ALL.

    Can anyone help? I am desperate to find a solution...



  • Sample data would help...

    select g.ID,g.Name

    from Groups g

    where exists (select 1

    from Search s

    left outer join Keywords k on s.Keyword=k.Keyword

    and k.GroupID=g.ID

    having count(s.ID)=count(k.ID))


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

    That is exactly what I need! This solves it 100%! 🙂

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