Complex query problem

  • We have a bunch of rules (30 in one table) which have to be applied to each account which meets certain criteria.  We then need to record the results of those rule tests into a log table, which can then be acted upon.

    I imagine the best way to do this would involve a temp table.  Some of the rules are pretty complex, I have to say.

    I did have a UDF which returned a table with the results for one account, but I can't work out how to use the returned data.

    Ideas, hints etc.. gratefully received.


  • Owe, my head hurst.

    Can you give us an example of what you mean?

  • If you are doing the same within a stored procedure then define one table variable or a temp table as you said and put the UDF output in that table with pointer to the account and Rule table. and finaly you can return the data. after getting the result what you wanted to do with this data is upto you. Other wise post your Full reqiurement here.


  • Not as much as my head hurts I assure you

    The rules are bonus/commission calculation rules (which may change from month to month, hence being stored as database entries).

    There are two types of rule:

    Normal Rule: For each x of sales of product p between date a and date b (start and end dates of the given accounting period), the account gets a credit of §y.

    For the normal rule, calculation is fairly simple, as we just need to establish how many of product p has been sold within the given period, then multiply the bonus by the value.

    Speed Rule: When a new account is added, they have a period of z days in which to successfully achieve x sales or product p.  If they achieve this, they get a credit of §y.  If they achieve this, they get the opportunity achieve this bonus again, and given an extra z days to achieve it.  This is repeated ad infinitum.

    For the speed rule, the calculation is more complex.  We first need to know if the account is in the initial qualifying period (IQP), or if they have previously achieved this bonus.  If it is, then we check for the requisite number of sales of p product between account opening and now.  If they are not in their IQP and  have previously achieved the bonus, or have previous achieved the bonus, then the qualifiying period has to be calculated on a different basis (ie: start date + z days + (z days * previous qualifications).  This then needs to be tested against their sales, and the bonus awarded as necessary.

    Now obviously, all of these calculations have to be auditable, hence the log file.

    Have I clarified what I mean?

    I wonder if it would better to process this outside of SQL Server.

  • I wonder if it would better to process this outside of SQL Server.

    It sounds like you are trying to incorporate too much middle tier business logic into you database.  I might consider using a component that would derive values / formulas from a group of look up tables to do the calculations.  This way the business logic is modularized, isolated, and flexible.

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