Complex query in msaccess

  • Hi,

    I hv a table called myTable

    which hold record like this,


    1 0

    2 19.22641

    55 100

    55 87.40159

    55 62.51066

    1 3.219

    2 0.099

    55 3.219

    1 31.0688

    2 25

    55 34.12

    2 0

    1 10.73267

    2 10.97707

    55 10.97707

    1 85.94

    Can I have top 2 total from each block_id in one single query ?


    Kumar Harsh[/font]


  • Hi,

    nothing,I trying to display my data better.two column data are separated by =


    1 = 0

    2 = 19.22641

    55 = 100

    55 = 87.40159

    55 = 62.51066

    1 = 3.219

    2 = 0.099

    55 = 3.219

    1 = 31.0688

    2 = 25

    55 = 34.12

    2 = 0

    1 = 10.73267

    2 = 10.97707

    55 = 10.97707

    1 = 85.94

    Kumar Harsh[/font]


  • You will probably need to create multiple queries to build up to the result that you want.

    I setup a table with your values, then 3 queries; one to retrieve the maximum value for each ID, another to retrieve the 2nd maximum value for each ID, and a third to combine the results of the first two.

    The SQL for the first query (qryMax1) is ...

    SELECT tmpTable.ID, Max(tmpTable.Total) AS MaxOfTotal

    FROM tmpTable

    GROUP BY tmpTable.ID;

    The SQL for the second query (qryMax2) is ...

    SELECT tmpTable.ID, Max(tmpTable.Total) AS MaxOfTotal

    FROM tmpTable INNER JOIN qryMax1 ON tmpTable.ID = qryMax1.ID

    WHERE tmpTable.Total < qryMax1.MaxOfTotal

    GROUP BY tmpTable.ID;

    Then the SQL for combining the results of the first two queries is ...

    SELECT qryMax1.ID, qryMax1.MaxOfTotal FROM qryMax1


    SELECT qryMax2.ID, qryMax2.MaxOfTotal FROM qryMax2;

    You will notice that the second query is filtered to exclude the results from the first. This may give unexpected results if, for example, you have an ID where the two highest values are equal.




  • Hi,

    Thanks a lot.

    This query also work,

    SELECT b.block_id,, count(1) AS RowOrder

    FROM mytable AS a, mytable AS b

    WHERE> And a.block_id=b.block_id

    GROUP BY b.block_id,

    HAVING Count(1) BETWEEN 1 AND 2


    Kumar Harsh[/font]


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