Complex join

  • So I am trying to create a join to create a relatively wide report but I can't seem to get it to work.

    delcare @startdate smalldatetime, @enddate smalldatetime

    selecgt @startdate '20100901', @enddate '20100930'

    select datepart(ww, created) as Week,

    s.commonname as Store,

    count(*) as sales


    bystore b,

    stores s,

    rca r

    where = s.storeid and = and

    created >= @startdate and

    created <= @enddate + '23:59:59'

    group by datepart(ww, created), s.commonname, s.storeid

    order by s.storeid

    Naturally this results in output similar to the following -

    WeekStore Sales










    What I cannot figure out using a union or join is how to get output that would look more like

    Week Newyork LosAngeles

    36 null 8

    37 2 11

    38 6 19

    39 10 21

    40 7 19

    Basically more "spreadsheet" like. and yes I have the potential of having a null (ie no sale at a given store for that week).

    Now sure I can write a query with each one seperately but I have the issue of dealing with hundreds of stores so my query obviously isn't scalable as writing each one out.

    I am trying to avoid building a temp table and populating which is my current work around.


  • I worked on a problem just like this yesterday.

    Use CTE to create 3 queries. 2 to sum for each store. One to get the a list of weeks. Then join them all.... Here is an example of what I did.

    with Cnt_MJ as


    select dldir, count(dldir) as MJ

    from dbo.mj_DSleads

    group by dldir


    Cnt_Dir as


    select dldir, count(dldir)as Dir

    from dbo.dir_DSleads

    group by dldir


    dist_dir as


    select distinct(dldir) as Dir

    from dbo.dir_dsleads


    Select dist_dir.Dir, Cnt_MJ.MJ,Cnt_Dir.Dir

    from dist_dir

    join Cnt_MJ

    on dist_dir.dir=Cnt_MJ.dldir

    join Cnt_Dir

    on dist_dir.dir=Cnt_Dir.dldir

    order by dist_dir.dir

    Maybe this will help.


  • This is exactly what the PIVOT operator was designed for. Check it out in BOL.

    That being said, using a crosstab is often more efficient.

    select datepart(ww, created) as Week,

    COUNT(CASE s.commonname WHEN 'NewYork' THEN s.storeid END) as NewYork,

    COUNT(CASE s.commonname WHEN 'LosAngeles' THEN s.storeid END) as LosAngeles,


    bystore b,

    stores s,

    rca r

    where = s.storeid and = and

    created >= @startdate and

    created <= @enddate + '23:59:59'

    group by datepart(ww, created)

    order by datepart(ww, created)

    You will need a separate CASE statement for each store, so it does get unwieldy with a lot of values. You can use dynamic SQL to create the crosstab if you have a lot of values.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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