Comparing Table Variables with Temporary Tables

  • Paul White (10/3/2009)

    Elliott W (9/23/2009)

    As far as logical reads of a table variable.. Keep in mind that if they are not too big they will probably reside fully in memory and the reads are much cheaper...

    There's really no difference between the two in this regard.

    I think there are a lot of factors.. Size being a major one. If it can stay in memory then it won't have to do a physical read which will be cheaper.


  • Elliott W (10/3/2009)

    Paul White (10/3/2009)

    Elliott W (9/23/2009)

    As far as logical reads of a table variable.. Keep in mind that if they are not too big they will probably reside fully in memory and the reads are much cheaper...

    There's really no difference between the two in this regard.

    I think there are a lot of factors.. Size being a major one. If it can stay in memory then it won't have to do a physical read which will be cheaper.


    Paul's point is that there's no difference between Table Variables and Temporary Tables in this respect. There is no circumstance where a table variable would stay in memory when a similarly designed temporary table would not.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • I thought I was agreeing..

    But I was also making a larger point about there being lots of factors that controls how it will perform..

    As the table grows is less obvious which is the better performer..


  • Elliott W (10/4/2009)


    As the table grows is less obvious which is the better performer..

    No, as the table grows, it becomes clearer and clearer that temporary tables outperform table variables. In fact the only normal(*) case where table variables outperform temporary tables on SQL Server 2005 & higher is for very small tables and that is only because table variables have slightly less create/drop overhead, but this is quickly lost in the noise as the number of rows grows.

    The reason why temp tables win in almost all other cases is because they have statistics, just like a regular table (this is also one of the places that that tiny bit of extra overhead is coming from), but table variables do not have statistics. That means that the optimizer always sees table variables as having exactly one (1) row and so almost always puts them in nested loops, and on the "small table" side, plus when joining other temp tables, it frequently puts filtering, etc. after the join that would normally go before (because 1*1=1 is less than 1+1=2). In short, it makes poor query plans.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • RBarryYoung (10/4/2009)

    Elliott W (10/4/2009)


    As the table grows is less obvious which is the better performer..

    No, as the table grows, it becomes clearer and clearer that temporary tables outperform table variables. In fact the only normal(*) case where table variables outperform temporary tables on SQL Server 2005 & higher is for very small tables and that is only because table variables have slightly less create/drop overhead, but this is quickly lost in the noise as the number of rows grows.

    The reason why temp tables win in almost all other cases is because they have statistics, just like a regular table (this is also one of the places that that tiny bit of extra overhead is coming from), but table variables do not have statistics. That means that the optimizer always sees table variables as having exactly one (1) row and so almost always puts them in nested loops, and on the "small table" side, plus when joining other temp tables, it frequently puts filtering, etc. after the join that would normally go before (because 1*1=1 is less than 1+1=2). In short, it makes poor query plans.


    I have to disagree. I have personal experience indicating in a particular case that I got better performance with table variables. This was found through testing of both methods. Now, I admit that this was a particular case. But in the vase majority of cases you are right..


  • Elliott W (10/4/2009)

    RBarryYoung (10/4/2009)

    Elliott W (10/4/2009)


    As the table grows is less obvious which is the better performer..

    No, as the table grows, it becomes clearer and clearer that temporary tables outperform table variables. In fact the only normal(*) case where table variables outperform temporary tables on SQL Server 2005 & higher is for very small tables and that is only because table variables have slightly less create/drop overhead, but this is quickly lost in the noise as the number of rows grows.

    The reason why temp tables win in almost all other cases is because they have statistics, just like a regular table (this is also one of the places that that tiny bit of extra overhead is coming from), but table variables do not have statistics. That means that the optimizer always sees table variables as having exactly one (1) row and so almost always puts them in nested loops, and on the "small table" side, plus when joining other temp tables, it frequently puts filtering, etc. after the join that would normally go before (because 1*1=1 is less than 1+1=2). In short, it makes poor query plans.


    I have to disagree. I have personal experience indicating in a particular case that I got better performance with table variables. This was found through testing of both methods. Now, I admit that this was a particular case. But in the vase majority of cases you are right..


    There's a reason that I left that qualification above(*) in. I have seen cases where table variables outperformed temporary tables even when a significant number of rows was involved, but they all had the same thing in common. In each of these cases, the presence of better information(statistics) from temp tables was actually causing the optimizer to pick *worse* plans than it did with less information. Now it certainly happens that sometimes SQL Server does not pick a very good plan (maybe 5-15% of the time?), and in some of those cases, it would pick a better plan if it actually knew less (maybe half of those cases?), but it's definitely unusual, and best treated as an exception to the rule.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Thanks Barry! You made the points exactly as I intended - apologies for the brief comment initially, but I don't have a lot of time at the moment.

    There are indeed cases where a lack of statistics produces a better plan, and table variables can be extremely useful in those scenarios. Sometimes it is possible to achieve a comparable plan through careful use of hinting and row-goals, but often these solutions are more fragile and complex than the table variable equivalent.

    My personal preference is for 'real' temporary tables by default, but there certainly are times when table variables make better sense.

  • I agree with Barry and Paul on this one. The exceptions that I've seen are usually where, usually due to badly written code or poorly designed structures, the only possible operation against the temporary object is a scan. When it's a scan only, the overhead of creating statistics and the accompanying statement recompiles make the table variable faster, regardless of size. But note, the "faster" in this situation is just a matter of degree and it's usually completely negated when the query or structure are rebuilt appropriately.

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  • Hi friends

    Thanks for very informative article..

    But missing one thing if i am not wrong

    want to add one thing

    we can not use table variable in the

    update table from @tablevariable

    and for difference

    We can use tablevariable inside functions but not the temporary tables.



  • Nitin.S.Pathak (12/1/2009)

    we can not use table variable in the update table from @tablevariable

    Alias the table variable.

    Nitin.S.Pathak (12/1/2009)

    We can use table variable inside functions but not the temporary tables.


  • Nice to see this article come around again. Great stuff.

  • Tim Walker. (6/10/2009)

    Excellent article. Very comprehensive about the theory!

    I agree 🙂

    Question: (and I wouldn't have even asked it if I hadn't read this first) is what is the point in defining a unique constraint on a table variable? Won't the 'optimized assuming one row in a table variable' render this unnecessary because the optimizer will consider the value in the column is going to be unique anyway?

    There's an important difference between the optimizer estimating one row, and knowing that any rows produced will be unique...there are a number of important optimizations that are only available if uniqueness is guaranteed.

    Comment: I've noticed that when more than one multi-row table variable is involved in a query the optimizer tends to table scan one and repeatedly table scan the other. This can get really expensive in CPU and is best avoided.

    Although table variables do not support statistics, you can get a better plan at runtime if you include OPTION (RECOMPILE) - since the number of rows in the table variable (its cardinality) is then available to the optimizer. You may find a better plan is produced with this hint.

    edit: quote tags...:(

  • Outstanding article, Wayne. I must have missed it when it was first published. Nice job.

    Your article raised a doubt in my mind. You write

    Temporary tables can have named constraints, indexes, etc. However, if two users are running the same procedure at the same time, the second one will get an error: “There is already an object named ‘<objectname>’ in the database”. You will need to build the object without a name, thus creating a system-assigned name which will be unique in the tempdb database.

    I tried creating temp tables with named constraints in two different sessions and the duplicate object name error appears, but the same doesn't apply to indexes.

    Am I missing something?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gianluca Sartori (4/9/2010)

    Outstanding article, Wayne. I must have missed it when it was first published. Nice job.

    Your article raised a doubt in my mind. You write

    Temporary tables can have named constraints, indexes, etc. However, if two users are running the same procedure at the same time, the second one will get an error: “There is already an object named ‘<objectname>’ in the database”. You will need to build the object without a name, thus creating a system-assigned name which will be unique in the tempdb database.

    I tried creating temp tables with named constraints in two different sessions and the duplicate object name error appears, but the same doesn't apply to indexes.

    Am I missing something?

    In BOL, under CREATE INDEX:

    indexname : Is the name of the index. Index names must be unique within a table or view but do not have to be unique within a database. Index names must follow the rules of identifiers.

    When dealing with the constraints, they must be unique within the database. That's why (when working with temporary tables), if possible, I create them un-named as part of the CREATE TABLE statement - the system will generate a unique name for them.

    And as I finish writing this, I see your point. The first sentence of mine that you quoted does apply to indexes; the last two sentences do not.

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  • Thanks for clarifying Wayne. So, it works the same as permanent tables: I was fearing that a different behaviour could apply.

    I wrote that because I use indexes on temp tables in some of my procedures ad I've never seen problems in concurrency, but that sentence in your article made me think.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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