comparing specific rows

  • Thanks Frank, appreciated

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

  • I can particularly relate to the one about c++.........

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

  • could I not implement some kind of loop construct..heres what I have..its quite self explanatory....

    delete t1

    from unique_cust t1 INNER JOIN unique_cust t2

    on t1.dup_code = t2.dup_code

    and t1.rec_lda < t2.rec_lda

    and t1.dup_code <> 0

    and t2.dup_code <> 0

    Declare @cust_iddelete varchar(255)

    Declare @cust_idkeep varchar(255)

    Declare @id int

    /*Set @id = ?*/

    select @cust_idkeep = t1.cust_id from unique_cust t1

    Where t1.cust_id=@id

    /*Set @id = ?*/

    select @cust_iddelete = t2.cust_id from unique_cust t2

    Where t2.cust_id=@id

    update unique_transactions

    set cust_id = @cust_idkeep

    where cust_id = @cust_iddelete

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

    Edited by - achowe on 07/18/2003 05:12:14 AM

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

  • achowe, Why won't Npeeters query work for you? That's a nice little piece of code, deletes all records except the one with the maximum date value.

    DELETE t1

    FROM MyTable t1

    JOIN MyTable t2 ON t1.Unique_ID = t2.Unique_ID AND t1.DateField < t2.DateField

    And, if you have an identity column and you insert earliest dates first then you should use that instead. SQL handles integers a lot better than dates.

    --something like...

    DELETE t1

    FROM MyTable t1


    (Select max(t2.Identity_ID) Identity_ID

    From MyTable t2 (nolock)

    Group by t2.Unique_ID) t2 on t2.Identity_ID = t1.Identity_ID

    Where t2.Unique_ID is null

    Signature is NULL

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