comparing dates

  • Hi,

    I have this t-sql

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),dt_inicio,105) >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),'01-01-2013',105)

    the comparation is not correct because I'm comparing strings.

    I would like to compare the day, month and year of the two dates.

    How can I do this?

    thank you

  • Try this .DATEPART

    To post your question use below link

  • I tried this:

    convert(datetime,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),dt_inicio,105),105) >= '01-01-2013'

    AND convert(datetime,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),dt_inicio,105),105)<= '14-03-2013'

    but get the message:

    can't convert char data type to datetime (out of range)...

  • The data exist in the database in this format:

    2010-09-23 13:02:54.000

    I want to compare with a string that I get from a application:


    The hours , minuts and seconds are not importante.

    Can someone help?

  • you need to convert your comparison dates instead of converting the date in the table

    Like this:

    declare @a varchar(12) = '14-03-2013'


    @a, convert(date,substring(@a,charindex('-',@a)+1,2)+'/'+



  • Lynn Pettis has a page with some common date routines posted at that will help give you the syntax you're after in an efficient way without having to parse out each part of the date.

  • If you are using sql server edition higher than 2005 you can simply convert it to date datatype and it will return just the datepart

    select convert(date,'2010-09-23 13:02:54.000')

    else you will have to rely on those cumbersome string manipulations to get the datepart

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • river1 (6/19/2014)


    I have this t-sql

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),dt_inicio,105) >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),'01-01-2013',105)

    the comparation is not correct because I'm comparing strings.

    I would like to compare the day, month and year of the two dates.

    How can I do this?

    thank you

    If the data type of the column dt_inicio is datetime why not just do this:



    dt_inico >= '20130101' -- the string value '20130101' will be implicitly converted to a date/time value of 2013-01-01 00:00:00.000

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