Compare two table rows and get modifed records

  • Dear all, Please help

    well i end my life with one requirement.

    Scenario: I have two tables ( major emp details and temp emp details) holds employee information.

    Major employee details table holds information w.r.t to specific database and temp employee details tables holds updated employee information whose data is pushed by some SSIS package.


    i want to write such procedure which display only those employee details whose details are updated from major emp details table to temp employee details table

    To test:

    --create major emp dtls table which holds infor

    create table temp1empdtls(empno int,empname varchar(50),age int)

    insert into temp1empdtls values(11,'John','38')

    insert into temp1empdtls values(12,'Eric','20')

    insert into temp1empdtls values(13,'Adam','40')

    select * from temp1empdtls

    --create temp emp dtls table whose details are loaded by SSIS package with some datasources

    create table temp2empdtls(empno int,empname varchar(50),age int)

    insert into temp2empdtls values(11,'John','39')

    insert into temp2empdtls values(12,'Eric-delight','22')

    insert into temp2empdtls values(13,'Adam','40')

    select * from temp2empdtls

    --drop all tables

    drop table temp1empdtls

    drop table temp2empdtls

    --Desired output: should be only two records as these details are updated comparitively

    empno empname age

    11 John 39

    12 Eric-delight 22

    Please help me in this!!

  • I believe this will work:

    SELECT temp.empno, temp.empname, temp.age


    temp1empdtls major


    temp2empdtls temp

    ON major.empno = temp.empno

    WHERE major.empname <> temp.empname OR major.age <> temp.age

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  • Koen Verbeeck (2/8/2012)

    I believe this will work:

    Doesn't account for NULLs.



    FROM dbo.temp1empdtls AS t1

    JOIN dbo.temp2empdtls AS t2 ON

    t2.empno = t1.empno




    SELECT t1.*


    SELECT t2.*



    --Your sample data

    CREATE TABLE temp1empdtls (empno INT, empname VARCHAR(50), age INT)

    INSERT INTO temp1empdtls

    VALUES (11, 'John', '38')

    INSERT INTO temp1empdtls

    VALUES (12, 'Eric', '20')

    INSERT INTO temp1empdtls

    VALUES (13, 'Adam', '40')

    CREATE TABLE temp2empdtls (empno INT, empname VARCHAR(50), age INT)

    INSERT INTO temp2empdtls

    VALUES (11, 'John', '39')

    INSERT INTO temp2empdtls

    VALUES (12, 'Eric-delight', '22')

    INSERT INTO temp2empdtls

    VALUES (13, 'Adam', '40')

    --Actual solution

    SELECT empno, empname, age

    FROM (SELECT MIN(TableName) AS TableName, empno, empname, age

    FROM (SELECT 'temp1empdtls' AS TableName, empno, empname, age

    FROM temp1empdtls


    SELECT 'temp2empdtls' AS TableName, empno, empname, age

    FROM temp2empdtls) tbls

    GROUP BY empno, empname, age

    HAVING COUNT(*) = 1) innerQ

    WHERE TableName = 'temp2empdtls'


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  • Thanks a million.. which is very simple and easy. You are a champ!!

  • suhailquadri (2/8/2012)

    Thanks a million.. which is very simple and easy. You are a champ!!

    Just so you know for sure, you only ever need one post on a topic. Posting multiple times will not get you more answers or quicker answers. In fact, I've found that many (including myself) are much more likely to ignore someone that has posted the same thing multiple times.

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  • SQL Kiwi (2/8/2012)

    Koen Verbeeck (2/8/2012)

    I believe this will work:

    Doesn't account for NULLs.



    FROM dbo.temp1empdtls AS t1

    JOIN dbo.temp2empdtls AS t2 ON

    t2.empno = t1.empno




    SELECT t1.*


    SELECT t2.*


    You're absolutely right, I didn't think about that.

    The INTERSECT is quite an elegant solution, that one is going straight into my knowledge library 🙂

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Koen Verbeeck (2/8/2012)

    The INTERSECT is quite an elegant solution, that one is going straight into my knowledge library

    For details here, for anyone interested:

  • SQL Kiwi (2/8/2012)

    Koen Verbeeck (2/8/2012)

    The INTERSECT is quite an elegant solution, that one is going straight into my knowledge library

    For details here, for anyone interested:

    Interesting read, thanks for the link.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • SQL Kiwi (2/8/2012)

    Koen Verbeeck (2/8/2012)

    I believe this will work:

    Doesn't account for NULLs.



    FROM dbo.temp1empdtls AS t1

    JOIN dbo.temp2empdtls AS t2 ON

    t2.empno = t1.empno




    SELECT t1.*


    SELECT t2.*


    That's pretty cool, done some brief testing and it appears to use similar IO to the solution I posted but nearly half the total execution time over a million rows (see below).

    Table 'temp1empdtls'. Scan count 5, logical reads 3833, physical reads 32, read-ahead reads 55, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table 'temp2empdtls'. Scan count 5, logical reads 3833, physical reads 136, read-ahead reads 3649, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 6826 ms, elapsed time = 3816 ms.

    Table 'temp1empdtls'. Scan count 5, logical reads 3833, physical reads 22, read-ahead reads 3756, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table 'temp2empdtls'. Scan count 5, logical reads 3833, physical reads 4, read-ahead reads 1901, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 5533 ms, elapsed time = 2349 ms.

    Adding to my list of things to read up on for today, thanks 🙂


    bah, quoted the wrong post. It was Paul's query I had compared with.

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