compare server configuration

  • I have 2 servers where in if i run a job the difference in the time to ran the same job has lot of difference.

    on ServerA it takes 5hrs and ServerB it takes 9 hrs. I assume both the servers should take same time approx as i am running same piece of code against the same data unless there is some hardware diffference. There is a small diffrence in the RAM as far as i know part from that everything is same.

    How would i find the bottle neck on the slowest server? and is there an easy way to compare every configuration of the 2 servers.

  • First you have to do couple of things...

    1. Make sure you have updated the statistics on both the DB

    2. Check the execution plan and see if there is a difference in the execution plan

    3. Check if there is some kind of IO bottle neck

    4. Check if there is some kind of blocking on the second server where it takes more time.

    Any of these three things can make the query to take different amount of time when executing a query

    Just my 2 cents. Maybe others have a better idea.


  • For step 1 as you said, I am running against the same databases from both the servers.

    how wud i check step 3 and 4?

  • Tara,

    I misunderstood your question. I thought you were running it on two DB and not two clients. That is why I raised the Blocking issue and IO issue.

    Are both clients running using the same Login? A badly configured network card can cause the drastic drop in performance. Or your second client does not have enough page file or memory.

    Just for curiosity sake, did you check the execution plan.


  • 1. badly configured network card can cause the drastic drop in

    2. enough page file

    how would i check these 2.

  • There are some recommended size for page file. I think it is one and a half time the total size of your RAM.


  • is there a way i script out complete configuration of the server bu that way i can check whats the diffference in the configuration and settings.

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