July 21, 2010 at 4:37 am
I am using SQLServer 2008 R2. I have a requirement to display or highlight
which field has been modified in the next row compare to the previous row.
For example, my table & data is like:
declare @t table
id int,
boss_id int,
managername varchar(10),
title varchar(20),
changedate datetime,
changetime int
insert into @t values (1,25,'Matt','Manager','1/1/2010',40142);
insert into @t values (2,26,'Donald','Distrinct Manager','1/1/2010',40142)
insert into @t values (1,27,'Chris','Manager','1/1/2010',40145);
insert into @t values (2,25,'Matt','Manager','1/1/2010',40148);
insert into @t values (2,22,'John','Sales Counselor','1/1/2010',40148);
insert into @t values (1,24,'Donald 2','District Manager','1/1/2010',40155);
select * from @t order by id
There is a difference in boss_id, management and changetime fields for id = 1 and row numbers 1 & 2.
How to find that what are the fields that have been changed compare to previous row for perticular id?
Thanks in advance.
July 21, 2010 at 4:55 am
Did u mean like if there are 3 rows for ID=1, and we are going to insert 1 more row for the same ID, then It should return all the fields where the changes have been done in the previous rows....
If it is, then you should consider to use cursors....
July 21, 2010 at 5:13 am
I think..we can achieve without cursors also...
by fetching top 2 records and compare...
[font="Comic Sans MS"]Praveen Goud[/font]
July 21, 2010 at 5:22 am
Can you please send me the query example?
July 21, 2010 at 5:35 am
Here is my query..
select id, boss_id, managername, title, changedate, changetime
select id, boss_id, managername, title, changedate, changetime, row_number() over(partition by id order by boss_id desc) as bt
from @t
) A where A.bt in(1,2)
which is fetching the latest two records...which are going to be compared..
i hope ...the rest you can finish..
[font="Comic Sans MS"]Praveen Goud[/font]
July 21, 2010 at 9:56 pm
I am able to resolve the issue.
select id, boss_id, managername, title, changedate, changetime, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id) rownumber
into #temptable
from @t order by id
select * from #temptable
select * from
select A.*,
case when A.managername <> B.managername then 1 else 0 end IsManagerChanged
, case when A.title <> B.title then 1 else 0 end IsTitleChanged
from #temptable A inner join
#temptable B on (A.rownumber = B.rownumber )
AND A.rownumber = 1
where a.id = b.id
select A.*,
case when A.managername <> B.managername then 1 else 0 end IsManagerChanged
, case when A.title <> B.title then 1 else 0 end IsTitleChanged
from #temptable A inner join
#temptable B on (A.rownumber - 1 = B.rownumber )
where a.id = b.id
) A
order by a.id, a.rownumber
Result will be like:
(Result.JPG has been attached)
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