Compare data in a specific report before and after load

  • Hello,
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my topic but i hope that it is.
    Here is my problem:
    I need to check if values in a specific report haven't changed after data load. So i came up with this idea:
    1. I will create a job
    2. In one of the steps i want to run sql query that returns all necessary values that resides in the report to the temporary table. Next, in the same step, i want to load data. After that, still in the same step, i want to run the same query one more time, but values will by multiply by -1, and insert them to second temporary table. Then i want to UNION ALL both tables and sum values in each column. If no values are returned then this is ok but if some values<>0 are returned then i want to send a mail notification. That's it

    I would be grateful if someone could take a look at this idea and maybe help me to improve task that i need to accomplish. Another, better aproach maybe?
    Best regards!

  • Will work and a creative solution. I've done something similar with a real table, but using a SPID column to ensure I can load values from a report for a specific user and query them later in the process.

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